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Pluralising Practices: Blog Launch + Discussion

1. Juni 2016, 18.00 Uhr Kollegiumgasse 2, 4.OG, Raum 4.54, 4010 Linz

Die Abteilung Kulturwissenschaft lädt zur Veranstaltung.

Over the last two decades, increasingly diverse intellectual practices have become subsumed under the heading cultural studies. These engagements speak from different linguistic, regional, national and diasporic contexts, draw on specific local traditions and methodologies, and are forking distinct trajectories, thus making it impossible to speak of a unified cultural studies. This heterogeneity has led to an increasing emphasis on decolonising knowledge and the need for new transcultural approaches that transcend the limitations of regional studies. On the one hand, this development highlights the necessity of translation: of languages, concepts, different academic approaches. On the other, this decolonial momentum reasserts cultural studies as a political project that exceeds academic spaces of knowledge and opens itself to epistemologies that challenge the university’s Eurocentrism, gender and class gaps from the outside. These multiform spaces of knowledge become inhabitable at the intersection of artistic, academic and activist modes of knowledge production, in spaces and via events open to a diverse public. They can be discerned in new models of publishing not exclusively reserved to academia, such as open-access online journals or blogs that utilise the virtual and accessible space of the internet.

With this blog launch, we want to invite participants and the public to reflect on practices of epistemological translation between diverse knowledge spaces: How can we translate between spaces inside and outside of academia? How can we encourage decolonial agendas when negotiating between institutional and other agents? What kinds of practices do we have to create such open spaces? How do we invent and foster plural practices and inhabit virtual and other spaces? What promises (and potential pitfalls) does blogging hold for the way we do cultural studies in academia?

Alexander Dunst (Paderborn), Elahe Haschemi Yekani (Flensburg), Anja Schwarz (Potsdam), Gudrun Rath (Linz)

Anna Artaker (Vienna), Hongwei Bao (Nottingham), Henriette Gunkel (London), Karin Harrasser (Linz), Katrin Köppert (Linz), Anja Michaelsen (Bochum), Dagmar Schink (Linz), Sumugan Sivanesan (Berlin), Daniel Winkler (Innsbruck)

Pluralising Practices.pdf
