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organic objects

Eröffnung: 2. Juni 2015, 18.00 Uhr; Ausstellung bis 3. Juni Projektraum W2EG09, Reindlstr. 16-18, Linz

Miscia Traman, Studierender der Plastischen Konzeptionen / Keramik (Masterstudium), präsentiert
seine Arbeiten.

The Italian artist Miscia Traman presents the work "Organic Objects", inspired by the organic forms of plankton. Radiolarians have beautiful and complex geometric shapes that can often be seen in design and architecture. Using a modular wooden sculpture, which contains infinite possibilities of combination, the artist shifts the reference of organic forms into a sculptural context. As the forms of nature are constantly changing, the presented work provides infinite possible combinations, which continue to refer to organic forms.

Ausstellung bis MI 3.06.2015, von 9.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
