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Koreanische Erziehungswissenschaftlerin zu Gast

15. bis 19. April 2011 Sonnensteinstraße 11-13, 4040 Linz

Koreanische Erziehungswissenschaftlerin zu Gast

Hae-Ae SEO,  Associate Professor am College of Education an der PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY führt auf  Vermittlung von BE-Gastprofessorin Dr. Mika Cho Gespräche mit KollegInnen über Ausbildungsstrukturen in den  Lehramtsstudien. Von besonderem Interesse ist für Dr. SEO,  die  am Department of Biology Education lehrt, die neue Studienrichtung "Mediengestaltung"  in ihrer Verbindung zum Future Lab des Ars Electronica Center.

Visiting Korean Education Scientist

Hae-Ae SEO,  Associate Professor at the College of Education at the  PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY  was  discussing models of teacher training with her colleagues.   Of special interest for her,  who teaches at the Department of Biology Education,  was the new teacher training programme "Mediadesign" in  connection with the Future Lab of the Ars Electronica Center. The contact with Prof. SEO was facilitated by Visiting Professor Dr. Mika Cho of California State University /Pasadena Campus.

Mika CHO, Angelika PLANK, Hae-Ae SEO, Foto © Ünal Uzunkaya