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Konferenzrückblick München

BDK-Mitteilungen 2.2020

Symposium mit Anna Maria Loffredo, Professorin für Fachdidaktik.


„Das Boot sehe ich nicht, aber das Meer“

Symposium „Menschen_Bildung im Dispositiv des Digitalen“
an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München

"this b/w-photography by the art education student Maya Hermens was the invitation to the conference at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich in January this year. philosophers were discussing the understanding of education in times of digitalization. You can read here my conference review published in the German art education journal BDK-Mitteilungen 2/2020, pp. 38-39."
Anna Maria Loffredo



Fotografie des Plakats zum Symposium, Foto: Maya Hermens