24. März 2010, 17.00 bis 18.15 Uhr Sonnensteinstraße 11-13, 3. Stock, Seminarraum 1
Vortragende: Vladimira Zikmundova, Ph. D.
Head of Department of Visual Culture
University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Education
The focus in Vladimira Zimundovas lecture will be on Multimedia. She will be speaking about New Media as a phenomenon in Czech Art Education. Furthermore the implementation of Multimedia into university study programms for Art Education teacher training in Pilsen will be presented.
Her research is based on Multimedia at the Department of Visual Culture, Faculty of Education, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
Kunstuniversität Linz
Sonnensteinstraße 11-13
3. Stock
Seminarraum 1
4040 Linz