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Präsentation - Lehramtsstudium Mediengestaltung

4. September 2009, 11.30 Uhr Kunstuniversität, Hauptplatz 8, Hörsaal B, 1. Stock

Präsentation des Lehramtsstudiums Mediengestaltung bei der LEF&ARS 2009 Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Ars Electronica.

Leonardo Education Forum LEF at ARS Electronica 2009
Daniela Reimann, Nina Czegledy, Lynn Hughes

Broad goals of the Leonardo Education Forum
The Leonardo Education Forum LEF is a working branch of the “International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, San Francisco. Leonardo ISAST serves the international arts community by promoting and documenting work at the intersection of the arts, sciences, and technology, and by encouraging and stimulating interdisciplinary collaboration.
The Leonardo Education Forum LEF promotes the advancement of artistic research and academic scholarship serving practitioners, scholars, and students who are members of the Leonardo community; LEF provides a platform for collaboration and exchange with other scholarly communities.

Auszug aus dem Programm:
11. 40 Presentation of "Media Design" ("Mediengestaltung") the new Teacher Training Programme for secondary schools of the University of Art and Industrial Design, Linz
Angelika Plank, Head of the Department of Art Education, Kunstuniversität Linz
University of Art and Industrial Design, Linz

weitere Infos zur Veranstaltung entnehmen sie bitte dem Programm: (auf Englisch)