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Track– track: Let’s follow the cat!

15. Dezember 2020, 19.00 Uhr ONLINE via Webex

Mediengestaltung Lehramt lädt zum Vortrag von Nomi Sasaki

Nomi Sasaki gibt Einblicke in ihre aktuelle künstlerische Praxis & Forschung zu "digital self-awareness" bei Kindern – Guestlecture an der Abteilung für Mediengestaltung Lehramt.

Meeting-Kennnummer: 174 062 7159
Passwort: TRACK

Children’s environment is changing with the development of new technologies and also is changing how they interact with this new reality and how they recognize themselves in this context. This new environment implies changes, risks and challenges.

In her talk Nomi Sasaki will go through this topic from an artistic approach and present her project “Track - track: Let’s follow the cat!”, a micro puppet theater for children where the spectator’s biometric data can make the stars shine, blow the wind, and move the ocean waves. This interactive puppet show investigates how children recognize their data source capacity and how they perceive their own data as a resource.

Nomi Sasaki is a Peruvian Japanese visual artist devoted to the Chinese black ink tradition and animation. Her work explores scale and dimension, the material nature of water, the behavior of light, and how these elements can create new landscapes and atmospheres for multidisciplinary performances. She is currently doing her master’s degree in Interface Cultures at Kunstuniversität Linz.


© Nomi Sasaki

© Leonardo Ramirez

© Nomi Sasaki