19. März 2025, ab 9.30 Uhr Interface Cultures Kitchen und Lecture Room, Domgasse 1
Am OPEN DAY der Kunstuniversität Linz findet ab 9.30 bis 12.15 Uhr in der Interface Cultures Kitchen und im Interface Cultures Lecture Room die Brunch Lecture mit Thomas Grill statt.
In his art and research, Thomas Grill deals with the ambivalent relationship between people, technology and the environment.
The lecture provides insights into artistic and research explorations of recent years.
The research project "Rotting Sounds" (2018-2022) investigated the causes, mechanisms and effects of temporal deterioration, especially in the context of digital audio data.
The current project "Spirits in Complexity" deals with partnerships between artists and - at times complex - music machines.
A common denominator is a permeation of the "smooth" digital worlds determined by models, algorithms and hardware and an uncovering of the noisy, chaotic, imperfect, "dirty" reality - mediated by a speculative examination of syntheses and differences between the domains.
Thomas Grill works as an artistic and scientific researcher on sound and its context. As a composer and performer he focuses on concept-oriented sound art, electro-instrumental improvisation and compositions for loudspeakers.
He researches and teaches at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, where he heads the Certificate Program in Electroacoustic and Experimental Music (ELAK) and co-heads the Artistic Research Center (ARC).
Grill has been awarded with a Honorary Mention of the Prix Ars Electronica, with the Theodor-Körner prize, the Award of Excellence of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and various work stipends.
Marta Beauchamp, currently a PHD student at Interface Cultures, will moderate the lecture.
Marta Beauchamp (UK/IT, *1990, based in Vienna) is a sound artist, musician and artistic researcher with a background in neuroscience. Currently Marta is PhD candidate at the department Interface Cultures (supervised by Manuela Naveau and Anne von der Heiden) and member of the Research Collective at the University of Arts Linz. Her sound installations and performances develop around data drawn from publications about biological rhythms; in her PhD project “Tipping points in transmediation” she investigates the practice of transmediation of data into installations.