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Embodied Ecologies: DJ Quantum

30. Juni 2023, 19.00 bis 19.30 Uhr und 19.45 bis 20.15 Uhr Ars Electronica Linz, Ars-Electronica-Straße 1, Deep Space

Interface Cultures lädt zur Performance

Following the recent research behind the Nobel Prize awarded to Prof. Dr. Anton Zeilinger, University of Vienna (in the field of quantum mechanics), students of Interface Cultures (University of Arts Linz) and the Dance Institute (ABPU), together with Ars Electronica Deep Space, encountered the philosophical and experimental approaches to quantum entanglement, as well as emergent properties of quantum reality, such as space-time and quantum gravity. "DJ Quantum" is a result of the guest workshop "Embodied Ecologies", aimed at experimenting and reinterpreting these contemporary questions through an interactive performance art piece; co-created by the students, curated by the transdisciplinary artist/researcher and graduated Interface Cultures student Smirna Kulenovic, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Christodoulou Marios (QISS Vienna), Choregrapher and dancer Damian Cortes-Alberti, and costume designer Julia Moser.

A mentioned before “Embodied Ecologies” was a guest workshop, marking the third year of collaboration initiated by the artist Smirna Kulenovic, between the MA departments of Interface Cultures (University of Arts Linz) and the Dance Institute (ABPU), together with Ars Electronica Deep Space. This years edition, titled "DJ Quantum" - opens up a new collaboration with the QISS project Vienna (Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime) within the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Involved students: Kevin Blackistone, Maria Dirneder, Kathrine Hardman, Katsuki Nogami, Jürgen Ropp, Polina Kliuchnikova, Kateryna Pomeichuk, Danica Golic, Jiaji Cheng, Eric Aguirre

© Smirna Kulenovic