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How to develope a concept for Interactive Art?

MO, 9.12.2013, 9.30 Uhr IC Lecture Room, Kollegiumg. 2, 3. OG

Gastvortrag von Dr. Karin Guminski im Rahmen der Interface Cultues Invited Lecture Series.

The lecture focuses on the process of concept development in Interactive Art. Key criteria for analyzing Interactive Artworks will be discussed. Many of the artworks presented in the lecture have been realized by students of the Bachelor program ‚Fine Arts and Multimedia’ at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU).

Dr. phil. Karin Guminski
is lecturer and head of the Bachelor program ‚Fine Arts and Multimedia’ at the Faculty of History and the Arts, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.
Working priorities: media design, media art history, interactive art, art education.
Study of Fine Arts and Art Education at Munich Academy of Fine Arts
Diploma in Media Design Technology at Munich Media-Digital-Institute
PhD Studies Art Education, Art History, Psychology (doctoral thesis on Computer Graphics)
Self-employed graphic designer, Lectureship in Computer Graphics LMU Munich,
Research assistant and lecturer at LMU (Institute for Art Education),
Teacher for digital art and design at Designschule Munich,
Interims professorship for art education at University of Duisburg-Essen)

Projekt Franziska Tachtler