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Interface Cultures Network Talks

5. Sept. 2014, 14.00 bis 18.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Audimax, Kollegiumgasse 2

Bei dieser Veranstaltung reflektieren wir vergangene und zukünftige Trends der interaktiven Kunst, des Schnittstellendesigns und der Ausbildung auf diesem Gebiet durch Vorträge von VertreterInnen unserer internationalen Partneruniversitäten.

Unsere Gäste sind: Prof. Masahiro Miwa vom IAMAS Institute of Media Arts and Sciences in Ogaki Gifu (Japan), Prof. Marie-Hélène Tramus von der Université Paris 8, Département des Arts & Technologies de l’Image (Frankreich), Prof. Dr. María José Martínez de Pisón vom Lehrgang Máster en Artes Visuales y Multimedia, Departamento de Escultura, Facultad de Bellas Artes an der Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spanien), Prof. Dr. Ying-Qing Xu vom Information Art & Design Department der Tsinghua-Universität in Beijing (China), Prof. Philip Dean, Leiter des Department of Media an der Aalto-Universität, Helsinki (Finnland), Prof. Stahl Stenslie vom Art and Technology Department der Universität Aalborg (Dänemark) sowie Prof. Istek Cihangir vom Visual Communication Design Department der Istanbuler Bilgi-Universität (Türkei).
mehr zu den Vortragenden

Das Masterstudium Interface Cultures bietet ein starkes internationales Netzwerk. Studierende werden angeregt, sich an internationalen Austauschprogrammen mit unseren Partneruniversitäten in Europa, Südamerika, Asien und Australien zu beteiligen. Diese Austauschprogramme helfen ihnen, ein eigenes professionelles Netzwerk aufzubauen und Berufserfahrungen sowie Einblicke in andere Kulturen zu gewinnen. Im Laufe der Jahre ist unser Netzwerk gewachsen. Zahlreiche internationale Gastforschende aus Japan, Europa, Brasilien und anderen lateinamerikanischen Ländern haben Forschungsaufenthalte von einem Monat bis zu einem Jahr in der Abteilung Interface Cultures verbracht.

Here we will reflect on past and future trends in interactive art, interface design and education through lectures by our international partner university representatives.

Our guests are: Prof. Masahiro Miwa from the IAMAS Institute of Media Arts and Sciences in Ogaki Gifu (Japan), Prof. Marie-Hélène Tramus from the Université Paris 8, Département des Arts & Technologies de l’Image (France), Prof. Dr. Maria José Martinez de Pison from the Máster en Artes Visuales y Multimedia, Departamento de Escultura, Facultad de Bellas Artes at Valencia Polytechnical University (Spain), Prof. Dr. Ying-Qing Xu from the Information Art & Design Department at Tshinghua University in Beijing (China), Prof. Philip Dean, Head of Department of Media at Aalto University, Helsinki (Finland), Prof. Stahl Stenslie from the Art and Technology Department of Aalborg University (Denmark) and Prof. Istek Cihangir from the Visual Communication Design Department at Bilgi University in Istanbul (Turkey).
The Interface Cultures programme provides a strong international network, and students are encouraged to participate in international exchanges with our partner universities in Europe, South America, Asia and Australia. These exchanges have helped our students to create a professional network for themselves and to gain professional experience and insight into other cultures. Over the years, our network has grown, and many international guest researchers from Japan, Europe, Brazil and other Latin American countries have visited the Interface Cultures Department for research stays from one month up to one full year.

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14.00 - 14.05 Welcome address by Univ. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kannonier, Head of the University of Art and Design Linz, Austria
14.05 - 14.25 Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer, Head of the Interface Culture program, University of Art and design Linz, Austria
"10 years of Interface Cultures - development, trends and outlook"
14.25 - 14.45 Prof. Philip Dean, Head of the Department of Media, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finland
"20 years of new media at the Media Lab in Helsinki"
14.45 - 15.05 Prof. Maria José Martinez de Pison, Director of Máster Artes Visuales y Multimedia UPV Program at
Departamento de Escultura, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Valencia Polytechnical University, Spain
"A brief survey of light lab projects and interactive artworks of AVM master students"
15.05 - 15.25 Prof. Masahiro Miwa, Professor of IAMAS Institute of Media Arts and Sciences, Ogaki Gifu, Japan
"IAMAS 2014 to the next stage"

15.25 - 15.40 Coffee Break

15.40 - 16.00 Prof. Ying-Qing Xu, Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor, Head of Information Art &
Design Department, Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
"The interdisciplinary design program at Tsinghua University"
16.00 - 16.20 Prof. Dr. Hélène Tramus, Professeure en Arts et Technologie, Image Numérique et Réalité Virtuelle
(INREV), Dép. Arts & Technologies de l’Image, Université Paris 8, France
"Education and research in the arts and technologies of the virtual image"
16.20 - 16.40 Prof. Dr. Stahl Stenslie, Head of the Art and Technology Program at Aalborg University, Denmark
"Abject Aesthetics"
16.40 - 17.00 Prof. Dr. Istek Cihangir, Chair and Director of the Visual Communication Design Graduate Program, Bilgi University, Instanbul, Turkey
"Insights into the visual communication design program of Bilgi University in Istanbul"
17.00 - 17.30 Discussion
17.30 - 18.15 Buffet and Networking