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18. bis 19. August 2023 Kleine Stadtfarm, Naufahrtweg 14a, 1220 Wien

Dafni Xanthopoulou/ Daphne X, Studierende bei Interface Cultures, nimmt am SONIC TERRITORIES FESTIVAL teil.

Discover: HYBRID FLOWERS mix series by Daphne X
Featuring gems of contemporary electronic music that stand at the meeting point of clashing cultures, Hybrid Flowers focuses on musicians that reinterpret complex musical heritage with an ear towards the future, creating a reparative grafting practice where distinct worlds coalesce, while remaining integer.

Sonic Territories Festival is inviting to a Summer Edition with a wide range of listening experiences at “Die Kleine Stadtfarm“, a small agro-ecological idyll located in the Danube wetlands. Participating artists are working across a diversity of practices, engaging us in  transdisciplinary, multi-sensory and critical-creative investigations of the site-specific acoustic ecologies.
For two days, we want to playfully relate to the hybrid web of organic and artificial soundscapes that surround us, listen to queer biotopes and focus our attention on liminal sonorous phenomena, voices and practices.
Join us for a weekend with workshops and listening experiences, where we will explore attunement across our human and more-than-human environments and imagine alternative future narratives.
Sonic Territories Festival “Summer Edition” --  Listening with Care

with Lobau Listening Comprehensions Collective (LLC): Julia Grillmayr, Christina Gruber, Sophia Rut, Mary Maggic, Karine Blanche, Paul Ebhart, Benjamin Tomasi, Daphne X, Klub Montage.
Special Guest in Concert: Tomoko Sauvage (JP/FR)


Daphne Xanthopoulou ist eine junge Medienkünstlerin, Komponistin und Musikerin anatolisch-griechischer Abstammung. Im Rahmen kollaborativer Praktiken, die sie in Form von Performances, Podcasts und Installationen formuliert, nutzt sie das Medium des Klangs und der spekulativen Fiktion, um die Begegnungen zwischen menschlichen und nicht-menschlichen Stimmen zu verstärken, und untersucht neue Ökonomien der kollektiven Komposition, des Zuhörens in der Umwelt und der gemeinschaftlichen Heilung.

Daphne Xanthopoulou is a new media artist, composer and musician of Anatolian Greek descent. Within collaborative practices, formulated through performance, podcast, and installation, she uses the medium of sound and speculative fiction to amplify the encounters between human and non-human voices, and examines new economies of collective composition, environmental listening, and communal healing.


© Blazej Kotowski