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16.01.2014, 17.00 Uhr Zeitbasierte Medien, Wohnzimmer, 2.OG

Die Abteilung Zeitbasierte Medien lädt zum Vortrag mit Vincenzo Estremo.

A screening and a discussion focused on contemporary art video in Italy.

Old enough to remember explore and raises issues on Italian contemporary art like the relationship between artists and institutions, and the practices of self-producing. The screening would like to underline the central role of video in contemporary Italian society.

These videos are selected in order to catch the viewers attention and to underline the role of Italian contemporary art videos as aesthetic antithesis to television language of Berlusconism.

Featured Artists:
Bianco Valente, Elena Bellantoni, Matteo Guidi, Giuliana Racco, Massimo Ricciardo.

*Phd Student, Timebased Media 2013-2014