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RETIME - Opening of event series

6. Mai 2022, 12.00 bis 20.00 Uhr Domgasse 1 und Hauptplatz 8, 4020 Linz

Die Abteilung Zeitbasierte Medien lädt zur Reihe RETIME (REThInkingMEdia).

Am Nachmittag und Abend des 6. Mai findet an verschiedenen Orten der Kunstuni die Reihe RETIME (REThInkingMEdia) statt. Die Eröffnung lädt mit Installationen, Workshops und Diskussionen zu Themen wie Sprachfluss, Mensch/Nicht-Mensch und queeres Denken ein. Diese werden von drei Gästen mit unterschiedlichen künstlerischen Hintergründen in einem neu gedachten Medium behandelt.

The Department of Master Zeitbasierte Medien invites you to an event series opening.
The RETIME (REThInkingMEdia) series will take place in various locations of the Kunstuni throughout the afternoon and evening of 6th May. The opening invites to experience installations, workshops and discussions on topics of language fluidity, human/non-human and thinking queer. Those will be covered by three guests from different artistic backgrounds in a rethought media.

After several online semesters, the event series aims to encourage students to network with each other to create new artworks that will be presented to a broader audience. Each month there will be one event focussing on a particular topic that interplays with ‘diversity’.

Within the first RETIME event, we intend to open the event series with three external guests that will perform their research subjects in a rethought media. Each guest will cover one topic of the following events: language fluidity, human/ non-human, and thinking queer. 

The primary purpose of the events is to rethink (the content and forms of) media and hegemonial structures to create collaborative works between students (and local associations) and evaluate diversity in art and politics of culture. The events are intended to take place at the Kunst University of Linz and in alternative locations in the city.



#1  12.00 bis 18.00 Uhr Exhibition of video performative installations and multichannel sound installation by Fronte Vacuo

#2  14.00 bis 14.45 Uhr Workshop by Cole Collins

#3  15.00 bis 18.00 Uhr Exhibition of videoinstallation by Marie-Andrée Pellerin

#4  15.30 bis 16.15 Uhr Workshop by Cole Collins

#5  19.00 bis 20.00 Uhr Online Talk with Fronte Vacuo


Contact us on instagram @re__thinking__media