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Contractworld.award 2010

Contractworld.award 2010:
10. International Architectural Award for Innovative Interior Concepts

In 2010, contractworld.award will asses and award future-oriented office working worlds, creative hotel and gastronomic concepts, innovative shops and trade fair stands for the ninth time. This year, the fourth category covers attractive and unusual interior designs for buildings in the healthcare and education sectors.
The competition is endowed with a total prize-money of 60,000 EURO and ranks as the most significant European architectural award for interior design and as an important parameter for quality designs in these categories.
Special awards are offered additionally, which are exclusively awarded to representatives of the "New Generation" (architects /interior designers under 40 years of age) for avant-garde projects.
On 17 and 18 September, the submitted works are assessed in four categories by a jury comprising of internationally renowned architects among them Mark Blachitz, Prof. Andrea Deplazes, Andreas Hild, Prof. Dr. Josep Lluís Mateo and the architectural journalist Hans Ibelings. The categories are Offices/Administration, Hotels/Spa/Gastronomy, Shop/Showroom/Trade Fair Stand, and Education/Healthcare.
Until 17 July 2009 you can still register yourself for this competition. Closing date for the entry of projects is 31 July 2009.

All information as well as participation documents are available in the internet at
www.contractworld.com or from Kristina Bacht, contractworld@ait-online.de, phone: 0049-(0)40-7070 898 15.