zum Inhalt

Sarah Pichlkostner

29. November 2016, 16.00 Uhr Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum, Seminarraum DO0132, Domgasse 1

Die Abteilung Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum lädt zum Vortrag von Sarah Pichlkostner.

Carry on
role model
is an fictive self optimizieng
Carry on
Let me play among the stars
is an unknow
role model
Swap with it, to go higher
You will have it under your fingernails, it scratch  a bit and you will start to think about to clean it and even when
In other words, hold my hand
it can transform in any character
You will be unvisinble coverd by it and your shadow cant follow you anymore
it it is an gost
They told me there is living this thing, it can go through every detail
it can talk every langue
It might tell you about your life, your past or maybe about your futhure
In other words, please be true
kay calls me all the time.
You will like it to talk with it
After 384 400 sometimes i really preciate it. i feal better with it by my side, but sometimes it is so great that i feel?
And let me sing for ever more
welcome back
In other words, in other words
