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Making Sense of Multimodal Data in Context

12. Juni 2017, 10.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG

Gastvortrag von Nuno Correia im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Lectures Series

This talk presents and discusses ways to use multimodal data (e.g., images, video andsensor data) in interactive applications for gaming, cultural heritage or even personalwellbeing. Contextual information regarding where and when the applications are usedand users characterization are key aspects of these applications. The talk discussesmethods for integration and processing heterogeneous content that open new interactionpossibilities. This approach is illustrated with interdisciplinary research projectsspanning several areas. The talk will also describe the network of collaborations andacademic partnership initiatives that foster these possibilities.

Nuno Correia
is a Professor at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and a researcher at NOVALINCS, Portugal, in the areas of Multimodal Systems and Interaction. He participatedin the creation of a national Digital Media PhD program and currently he alsocoordinates the PhD program in Computer Science. Nuno Correia participated inseveral national and European projects. Currently he participates in the H2020 ProjectCognitus. He was a researcher at Interval Research Corporation, Palo Alto, Californiaand previously, he was a researcher at INESC, Lisbon, Portugal. Nuno Correiasupervised 8 doctoral theses and about 40 master theses already completed andcurrently supervises several doctoral and master dissertations. He is author or co-authorof more than 90 publications in journals, conferences and books. He participated in theorganization and was chair or co-chair of several international conferences.


Professor Nuno Correia