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The focus of the creativity-building courses is on finding one's own creative or educational idea and implementing it. This encourages the development of independent decision-making processes as well as a love of experimentation and the joy of independent action. In addition to aesthetic experiences, experiencing one's own creative expression promotes courage and self-confidence and thus key characteristics for creative professions. Based on individual abilities and skills and thanks to their "open-end" character, the semester courses provide low-threshold access to creative processes, regardless of gender or origin. For children and young people with a non-German mother tongue or physical and/or mental disabilities, the activity-oriented focus of the courses offers both an easy introduction and low-threshold mediation of design processes within a group. The opportunity to shape the creative process according to one's own abilities and to support each other through mutual respect and a benevolent and non-judgmental attitude creates optimal conditions for experiencing inclusion and diversity in a positive way. The university is accessible by public transport and barrier-free, as are our children's and youth studios.
Children and young people with special needs are welcome in our semester courses and have been integrated for years. Bettina Fuchs, artist and special needs teacher, has joined the semester course "Promoting creativity through self-determined painting and two-dimensional design", which is aimed specifically at children with mental and/or physical disabilities.

If your child enjoys painting and designing and has special needs, please register your child online and also send an email with further information: Claudia.Hutterer@kunstuni-linz.at

Further information on the didactic concept and the theoretical background of the semester courses can be found in the publication:
DIE (WIEDER-)ENTDECKUNG DER EIGENEN KREATIVITÄT - der selbstbestimmte zwei- und dreidimensionale Ausdruck in der pädagogischen Praxis, ed. by Claudia Hutterer and Isabella Fackler, publisher: koaped, 2020.


Mag.art. Claudia Hutterer
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2332 
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 2332
Curriculum vitae Claudia Hutterer.pdf


Mag. art Simone Besenböck
Mag. art. Claudia Hutterer
Mag.art. Katharina Lackner
Irene Topcic, BA

Institute Office

Margit Maria Anna Erber, MA 
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2377 
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 377


Institute Art and Education
Hauptplatz 8, 2nd floor, HP80230
4020 Linz | Austria

Location of the Kids'YouthCreative University
Hauptplatz 8,
Kinder- und Jugendatelier, 1st floor, H8EG02 
Malatelier, 3rd floor, HP80339
4020 Linz | Austria