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Design: Technology.Textile is characterized by the work in the workshops and studios of our three centrally located sites of the University of Art and Design Linz. Here we think and make, invent and research - on topics of past, present and future material cultures. Studying at the University of Art and Design Linz means participating in current developments in the design, architecture, art and culture scene and contributing to artistic and scientific research that opens up further opportunities, often in cooperation with other institutions such as the Ars Electronica Center. The University of Art and Design Linz is a place of networking and fluid learning, a place of critical engagement with current social, technological and ecological issues.
In the Design:Technology.Textiles teaching degree program, where art educators take on social responsibility through their educational mandate, students are given all the important tools to empower generations of children in this sense.

The Design:Technology.Textiles course must be combined with another teacher training course. At the Institute of Art and Education, the course can be combined with "Visual Education" or "Media Design", but it is also possible to combine it with other subjects. The Bachelor's course lasts eight semesters, the Master's course four semesters.

Career opportunities and prospects

A Master's degree and full teaching license for the school subject of Technical and Textile Crafts enable employment as a teacher in secondary schools, AHS and BHS.
Graduates also have various opportunities to pursue professional activities in non-school institutions and companies, e.g. in museums, collections, schools, schools and universities.For example, in museums, collections and in various (art education) support and mediation areas.
Alternatively, it is possible to establish your own entrepreneurial initiatives on the basis of the expertise acquired during your studies and to work as a freelance artist and designer.

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
General information on the teacher training course

Workshops and studios
Projects from the Design:Technology.Textile degree program


Univ.-Prof. Dr.techn. Irene Posch



Contact and portfolio advice

Sen. Art. Mag.art. Ingrid Hackl
T: +43 732 7898 360 
M: +43 676 84 7898 360

Univ.-Ass. Mag.art. Robert Hübner
M: +43 676 84 7898 344 

Univ.-Ass. Mag.art. Astrid Young
M: +43 676 847898 349

Sen. Art. Dipl.des. Monja Hirscher 
M: +43 676 847898 2353 

Institute Office Art and Education 
Margit Maria Anna Erber, MA 
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2377
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 377 

Mag.phil. Eva-Maria Unterweger
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2464 
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 382


Institute Art and Education
Hauptplatz 8, 2. OG, HP80230
4020 Linz | Austria