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↪︎Interested in studying?

Arrange your personal information session / portfolio consultation at gtt@kunstuni-linz.at

Current dates for the registration to the entrance exame are linked below.

Requirements for the teacher training programme Secondary Education - Design: Tech.Tex

Anyone wishing to study Design: Tech.Tex must be at least eighteen years old and have completed either the Austrian school Matura (or equivalent), hold an art degree or equivalent qualification, and must apply for the course before the deadline.

Students who have completed the Design: Tech.Tex bachelor's degree in the "Cluster Mitte" do not have to take an entrance examination for the master’s degree at the University of Arts Linz.

Students who have completed a bachelor's degree in the subject Design: Tech.Tex at another university or university college must successfully pass an entrance exame for the master's degree at the University for Arts Linz.

Registration and Acceptance
The pedagogic and artistic qualification will be tested in three stages.


Pedagogic qualification (Modul A and B)

Online Self-Assessment at Lehrerin-werden.at

After completing the online self-assessment you can register for the subject. Registration for the entry test is done via lehrerin-werden.at


Artistic qualification (Modul C)

Exams take place twice a year, in July and September. You can find information on recent exam dates and the registration process here.

The qualification for this course will be judged by a portfolio, that must be presented by the applicant, as well as a one-day test that will finish with an interview. This study can only be studied in combination with another teaching study.
It is possible to attend all three entrance exams that are offered at University of Arts Design: Tech.Tex, Art Education and Media Design.

The entry test can only be taken per year and per subject at only one place (for example University of Arts in Linz or Mozarteum Salzburg).

We offer informal interviews and consultations before the test in the Institutsreferat.

On the day of the exam each applicant has to present a portfolio with examples of their own work, that represent their personal design and artistic processes. Theses pieces of work should show the applicants' interest in expressing themselves in an artistic way


  • Compositions of color
  • Abstract patterns
  • Ideas presented in paintings and drawings
  • Collages
  • Structures for textile surface design
  • Color collections
  • Forms
  • Drawings: studies of nature and objects
  • Presentations of special surroundings (for example: views from a window, facades, public spaces)
  • Sketches and/or drawings for product designs or for special designs (architecture)
  • Photos of plastics (sculpture, kleinplastik), models of products and/or architecture as well as crafted technical and/or textile pieces of work

It is important to be able to recognize in the pieces of work the search for a way of expression, and the repetition of themes that illustrate some of the development. The approach to, and playful way of dealing with, materials of all kinds should also be visible. In general, it should be shown where the artistic research and the enthusiasm for creative, pictorial and designing work lies.

You must not use any methods for upgrading the presentation, such as passe-partout, framing, laminating on cardboard, decoration, ect. We expect authentic, direct, unadulterated pieces of work and photos!

The portfolio is a very important part of the interview and does not have to contain all the suggested areas. We do not expect every applicant to have experiences in all named topics. It is possible to get advice on putting together a portfolio befor the exam.

If you attend the exam in more than one artistic teaching subject you should keep all your content in one portfolio. The portfolio does not need to be sorted out for each subject individually!

For the test everybody has to bring utensils for writing, drawing, and painting, as well as a ruler, scissors, paper cutter, glue, and sellotape. Plan for the test to take a whole day: it is roughly nine hours including several tasks and interview.

At the end of the test every applicant will discuss with the jury (Prüfungssenat) their portfolio, the result of the test and relevant issues like cultural interests, individual motivation, etc. Finally, it will be decided who is suitable for the course and can matriculate.


Univ.-Prof. Dr.techn. Irene Posch



Contact and portfolio advice

Sen. Art. Mag.art. Ingrid Hackl
T: +43 732 7898 360 
M: +43 676 84 7898 360

Univ.-Ass. Mag.art. Robert Hübner
M: +43 676 84 7898 344 

Univ.-Ass. Mag.art. Astrid Young
M: +43 676 847898 349

Sen. Art. Dipl.des. Monja Hirscher 
M: +43 676 847898 2353 

Institute Office Art and Education 
Margit Maria Anna Erber, MA 
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2377
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 377 

Mag.phil. Eva-Maria Unterweger
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2464 
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 382


Institute Art and Education
Hauptplatz 8, 2. OG, HP80230
4020 Linz | Austria