zum Inhalt

Tuition Fee

According to the Federal Act on the Organisation of the Universities and their Studies (Universities Act 2002) tuition fees apply for all Austrian Universities. However, Austrian students as well as students from European Union/European Economic Area countries are exempted, during their regular study period (+ a two semester grace period).

The 2002 Universities Act sets the amount of the tuition fee for the above mentioned students at Euro 363.36 per semester and for third-country nationals at Euro 726.72 per semester. In addition to the applicable tuition fee, the Austrian National Student Union fee (including insurance) amounting to (currently) Euro 24.70 must be paid.

Under certain conditions, persons with Austrian citizenship or equal status can apply for a study grant at the Austrian Study Grant Authority.

The University of Arts Linz generally does not offer any scholarships.
Admission to, and permission for the regular continuation of, any study programme is only granted if the prescribed amount is paid in time and in full. Partial payment is not possible. The tuition fee must be paid within the admission period (see timetable); otherwise, the student will not be admitted to the study programme or will be de-matriculated.