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KuKi Kiste - Child care

Child care, information and advice for parents

To achieve a better balance between work and family, the Co-ordination Office for Gender Issues of the University for Art and Industrial Design Linz initiated initiated the project KuKi Kiste together with the Austrian Students Union (ÖH).
Since summer semester 2006, the Kuki Kiste offers child care services for students and employees of the University for Art and Industrial Design Linz.


  • In the KuKi Kiste, two pedagogues from the Hilfswerk OÖ provide flexible child care: after registering your child/children (aged ca. 15 months and 3 years) can spend up to 15 hours on 3 days a week in the KuKi Kiste. Depending on the availability of places, it is possible to extend the childcare programme. The opening hours are adapted to the reported demand. (Mon-Fri mornings between 8.00 - 13.00 and once in the afternoon from 13.00 - 16.00).


  • We too provide information and give advice on issues related to children and child care, child care facilities, financial aids & legal provisions, as well as on re-entering job/studies. Please contact Verena*Henetmayr, co-ordinating the Kuki Kiste 

    The above mentioned services are primarily available to parent students/employees of the University for Art and Industrial Design Linz. Parents will be charged a semesterly fee (including a fix sum of € 30 per child will be additionally charged per semester for fruit, vegetables, field trips, handicraft materials, napkins, ... ) of € 45 (students) or € 50 (employees or gradtuates) per registered child and € 1 per hour. 

    In case there are free places, students or employees of other universities are welcome to register their children in the KuKi Kiste. These Parents will be charged a semesterly fee of € 60 (students) or € 70 (employees) per registered child and € 2 per hour. All external parents will be charged a semesterly fee of € 90 and € 2 per hour. 

    KuKi Kiste is intended to be a place for children to play, to relax, to sing, to learn, to make experiences, to try out, to retry as well as to communicate, exchange information and receive advice for parents. 
Our pedagogues support the children's development on many different levels. If you have questions or you need more informations, don't hesitate to contact us.

Co-ordination / Contact

office hours:
Tue. 9.30 - 12.30 am and by appointment
phone: +43 (0)676 84 7898 488

KuKi Kiste
Domgasse 1, 4. OG, 4020 Linz
phone: +43 (0)676 84 7898 445