zum Inhalt

Location & Infrastructure

Location of the Department of Time-based and Interactive Media and of the bachelor programme Time-based and Interactive Media Arts:

Hauptplatz 8
3rd Floor
4020 Linz | Austria


In 2019 our department moved into the newly adapted building located directly on the main square of Linz and by the Danube. Our area in the third floor is highlighted in red.

Blick vom Hauptplatz (oben) und von der Donauseite © Funk

Floor plan


Univ. Prof. Mag.art. PhD. 
Joachim Smetschka

Information about the study program and the entrance examination: 
Mag.art. Bettina Steinmaurer
T: +43 (0) 732 7898 2397
Office hours: 
MON to THURS - please arrange an appointment (by email)