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About the curriculum

The artistic Bachelor programme “Time-based and Interactive Media Arts” offers a comprehensive and professional introduction and access to the theory, techniques and design of digital media and thus combines the complementary focuses of time-based media and interactive media.

Time-based media comprise three interlinked disciplines – i.e. moving image, audio and performance – in their manifold combinations and embodiments. In these media, the time factor serves as a key dimension of the creative process. In the programme, this field of work is extended by adding two other aspects, namely interface and interaction, since the influence exerted on chronological sequences and the interaction with the artworks thus triggered as well as the design of human-machine interfaces determine both concept development and actual artistic implementation within this programme focus. 

The linking of these focuses and the critical analysis of established media conventions (also including analog media) both in the concept development and execution of artworks and in theoretical reflection takes special account of one of the central tenets of the University, i.e. intermediality. Here, particular attention is paid to the blending and linking of different disciplines in order to develop new visions, formats and artworks – hybrids that essentially shape and mould our programme.

Yet all knowledge about the possibilities inherent in digital media is irrelevant without the content to be communicated through these media. The focused concentration on themes and involvement with specific subjects play a central role in the development and implementation of the concrete projects forming the core of the programme. For this reason, it is a central objective to nurture the formulation, clarification and presentation of the students’ own ideas as well as to foster the development of the students’ personalities and ability to express themselves. 

Digital media are analysed and explored with a view to their specific creative and artistic potentials and their media-theoretical, political and socio-cultural aspects. Students are motivated to embrace a critical yet open mindset regarding social and societal, political and artistic problems as well as to scrutinise artistic positions for their social relevance and ideological-political implications.

In addition to imparting the ability to find their way around the highly complex field of digital media, students are encouraged to develop their own, personal position and profile.

Since projects in the field of digital media are as a rule based on the sharing and division of tasks, special attention is paid to teamwork, communicative skills and the active codetermination of task-sharing processes.

Academic degree
Bachelor of Arts (BA)



Skills profile and career options

It is the central intention of this programme to foster the development of an independent artistic position that enables graduates to establish themselves in the field of media art and to gain professional access to the creative industries.

In this respect, key tasks include concept development, drafting, design and production of e.g. videos and interactive applications for museums, events, corporate communication, advertising, ... The wide scope of the curriculum moreover supports the ability to develop new and self-defined professional activities.

To enhance in-depth professionalisation in the abovementioned work and activity areas, it is recommended to further expand the thus acquired range of skills by attending an advanced Master programme.


Univ. Prof. Mag.art. PhD. 
Joachim Smetschka

Information about the study program and the entrance examination: 
Mag.art. Bettina Steinmaurer
T: +43 (0) 732 7898 2397
Office hours: 
MON to THURS - please arrange an appointment (by email)

Study Plan

Curriculum (in German)