zum Inhalt

Library use

To use the items inside the library you do not have to be registered or pay a fee.

To use the services of the University Library (borrowing, interlibrary loan, etc.), students and employees use their ufg card and their ufg.online login data. Public users need to register once at the library. For further information please see Borrowing.



Please refer to our ballot box in the library, to state your content/discontent. Wishes of all kinds regarding the university library and ideas are wellcome as well.
It is also possible to deliver your feedback via Email.


Purchase suggestions

You can send suggestions for the purchase of books to the library management at any time, providing the data available to you (author, title, ISBN, publisher). You will receive a response in a reasonable amount of time.


Book Exchange

We are exchanging publications with partners in Germany and abroad. If you are interested, please send us an email. As a registered library you can also find our offer directly in the electronic exchange platform for libraries ELTAB.


On Thursday, 3 April
the Library opens at 10a.m.

Service hours 
MON to THU: 9.00 to 17.00
FRI: 9.00 to 15.00

Hauptplatz 8/I
4020 Linz
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2255