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Master thesis

Information on the Master's thesis and Master's examination MKKT

Theprerequisite for admission to the Master's examination in Media Culture and Art Theories is proof of at least 90 ECTS credits.
At least one theory course must be taken with the supervisor in preparation for the Master's thesis.

1. Examination senate
The examination senate consists of three people, at least two of whom must hold doctoral degrees. The examination board consists of

  • 2 professors (Master's thesis supervisor, second examiner) from two different departments and
  • 1 assistant

is composed of. In justified cases, a fourth examiner from the artistic field may be consulted.
Enclosed is a list of possible examiners/reviewers of the Master's thesis (min. doctorate), sorted by discipline and teaching area

Teachers and subject areas

A.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Arnold
(Dept. of Cultural Studies)

Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Amalia Barboza (Dept. of Artistic Knowledge Practices)

Univ.-Prof.* Dr.* Angela Koch (Aesthetics and Pragmatics of Audiovisual Media)

Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Ulrike Hanstein (VALIE EXPORT Center)

Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Gloria Meynen (Dept. of Media Theories)

Prof. Dr. Robert Pfaller (Dept. of Philosophy)

Univ.-Prof.in Dr. Gudrun Rath (Dept. of Cultural Studies)

Dr.phil. Henning Engelke(art history and art theory / gender studies / curatorial practice)

Univ.-Prof.in Dr. Anne von der Heiden (Dept. of Art History and Art Theory)

Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Julia Grillmayr (Department of Cultural Studies)

| Cultural Studies
| Philosophy

| Cultural Studies

| Cultural Studies
| Media Studies

| Cultural Studies
| Art History

| Cultural Studies
| Media Studies

| Cultural Studies
| Philosophy

| Cultural Studies
| Media Studies

| Cultural Studies
| Media Studies

| Cultural Studies
| Art History

2. assessment of the Master's thesis
The Master's thesis is supervised by two professors. The first assessor writes the report and awards the grade.

3. registration for the examination, submission of the Master's thesis
Registration for the examination takes place in the Legal and Student Affairs Department. The relevant forms and deadlines for the current academic year are linked on the following page. From now on, the written thesis must also be uploaded using plagiarism software. Further information on this and on all steps from registration to submission can be found in this PDF. For point 2 in the PDF "Verification of the required certificates/assessments", please complete the form linked here and submit it to the Legal and Student Affairs Department by the deadline (all certificates/assessments must be submitted 3 weeks before the first possible examination date). Information on the formal requirements for bound library copies can be found here: Information sheet for the submission of Master's theses of the Master's program MKKT Media Culture and Art Theories

4. procedure for the final oral examination
The examination consists of two parts: The first part comprises the presentation and discussion of the Master's thesis. The presentation format is agreed with the supervisor of the Master's thesis.
For the second part, a further examination topic is agreed with the second professor, which is not identical to the Master's thesis.

5. the Master's examination is open to the public.
Students who wish to attend the Master's examination should arrange this in advance with the student to be examined.
Previously submitted MKKT Master's theses can be viewed in the online archive for theses at the University of Art and Design Linz.

Studies and Examinations Department
Master's thesis information sheet