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Notes on Open Access publications

Make sure to provide your Open Access publication with an appropriate license so that the rights of use are clearly regulated. We recommend the widely used Creative Commons license model.

Danger of “Predatory Publishing”
Predatory publishing primarily refers to the publication of articles in dubious scientific open access journals (so-called "fake journals"). Money is demanded for services (e.g. peer review, long-term archiving, etc.) that are not provided or are provided in inferior quality. These unethical and fraudulent practices not only directly harm the scientists concerned, but also the open access movement as a whole and trust in science itself.
Detailed information on predatory publishing and the associated dangers can be found at the Publication Services of Graz University Library.

Publication with a predatory publisher should therefore be avoided at all costs in your own interest and that of the university. Before you decide on a journal to publish your article, we recommend that you check it thoroughly, e.g. with the help of the think.check.submit checklist. If you have any uncertainties or questions, or if you need support, please contact Mag. (FH) Irene Prähauser, M.A..

Likewise, if you are named in the editorial board of a questionable journal without being asked and need help in this regard, you are welcome to get in touch with the above-mentioned contact.


On Thursday, 3 April
the Library opens at 10a.m.

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MON to THU: 9.00 to 17.00
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