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© Lukas Beck

Prof. Tina Frank
has headed the Visual Communication department since 2008. The designer and visual artist works in the fields of digital publishing as well as data and music visualization. Her works can be found in international collections of video art and digital synaesthesia and have been shown in the experimental sections of numerous film festivals.

Prof. Anna Artaker, Mag.art.
is a visual artist and professor of transdisciplinary visual practice. In her work, she examines the role that images play in our perception of reality.

Assoc. Prof. Marianne Lechner
Marianne Lechner researches post-digital phenomena and speculative scenarios at the intersection of different technologies and society. Her work is characterized by its diversity in terms of medium, technique, form and dimension and includes theoretical investigations, interfaces, installations, photographs and public participatory interventions.

Senior Lecturer Mag. (FH) Katharina Mayrhofer
The focus of her teaching is the code design interface with a focus on interactive installation, generative image and data visualization.

© Marcel Koehler

Senior Artist Enrico Bravi
Sowohl in Praxis als auch in der Forschung und in der Lehre befasst sich Enrico Bravi mit einer Reihe und Vielfalt von Themen, die von der Typografie und Buchgestaltung bis hin zu Infovisualisierung und Kartografie reichen. 

Mag.phil. Elisabeth Egger-Mann
is responsible for Organization, PR & Communication.