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Tips and information

Interest groups, contact points and initiatives relating to self-employment

IG Kultur Österreich
IG Kultur is the organisation representing the interests of independent cultural work in Austria

Financing art and culture / information brochure for download 

Salary scheme for cultural associations

IG BILDENDE KUNST represents the interests of visual artists in Austria. It initiates debates on cultural policy and intervenes in decision-making processes that have an impact on the work and life of visual artists. Its fields of action are art, politics, service and newspapers. Their demands: Freedom of art! Everyone has the right to social rights! The right to remain for all! Equal rights for all!
IG BILDENDE KUNST offers its members, among other things, advice on tax, legal and insurance issues, brochures on these topics, exhibition opportunities…

Recommendations and calculation aids for fair pay in arts and cultural work

AAI card
The IAA_ID card for visual artists gives you free admission to many national and international exhibition venues.


Austrian Cultural Council
The Kulturrat Österreich is the association representing the interests of people working in the arts, culture and the media. The Kulturrat Österreich is a platform for common cultural policy concerns and goals. It represents these vis-à-vis politics, the media and administration. The Cultural Council Austria opens and promotes cultural, educational, media and socio-political debates 

Fair Pay Reader

Ksvf - Artists' Social Insurance Fund
Since January 2001, all self-employed artists have been included in the compulsory insurance scheme according to the Austrian Social Insurance Act (GSVG). In order to make it easier for artists insured under the pension scheme to pay social insurance contributions, the Artists' Social Insurance Fund (KSVF) was created with effect from 1 January 2001. The task of this fund is to provide subsidies for pension insurance contributions and, effective from the calendar year 2008, also to provide subsidies for health and accident insurance contributions. 


SVA - Sozialversicherung der gewerblichen Wirtschaft
The Social Insurance Institution for Trade and Industry is the social insurance institution for entrepreneurs in Austria. Pension insurance and health insurance for tradespeople, freelancers and the newly self-employed.


Bildrecht is the Austrian copyright organisation for visual arts, architecture, photography, graphics, illustration, design, choreography and performance. It also manages pictorial representations in works of a scientific and educational nature, film artworks that are considered works of fine art and film stills.
As a collecting society, it represents the copyright of around 8,000 members vis-à-vis public and private bodies in order to generate income and remuneration in favour of artists. At the same time, it sensitises the public to culturally relevant issues and, with Bildraum 01 | 07 | Bodensee | Studio, offers an attractive platform for contemporary, experimental and quality art.

Copyright Initiative


FIFTITU% has been continuously campaigning for better conditions for women* in the arts and culture sector since 1998 and is the only platform of its kind in Germany.
In addition to cultural and women's* political work, regional, national and international networking in this field and diverse artistic projects in and on these topics, the activities also include concrete advice and support for the professionalisation of women* in art and culture.

Open Calls from art, culture & science


The KUPFakademie
The KUPFakademie offers tailor-made further education for cultural workers. The focus is not only on the "how" but also on the "why" of free cultural work.


Federal Ministry of Finance
This site offers a lot of general information on financial matters.

Austria's digital office
Guide through the Austrian authorities and offices

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber


Creative Industries Austria
Kreativwirtschaft Austria, or KAT for short, supports creative professionals from the fields of architecture, music, books & publishing, radio & TV, design, software & games, film & photography, advertising and the performing arts market.


Vienna Business Agency - Creative Industries
The Vienna Business Agency helps with business start-ups, expansion or relocation in Vienna, advises, promotes, coaches and networks free of charge!


Smart Coop - the cooperative for freelancers
Non-profit co-operative for freelancers.


Teach For Austria
All children and young people should be able to receive an excellent education, regardless of their parents' education and income. To this end, we are looking for particularly suitable university graduates to work in challenging secondary schools, polytechnic schools and kindergartens as part of the Fellow Programme and to support children with difficult starting conditions. 


AMS Public Employment Service Austria

Administrator / Contact

Mag.art. Ursula Witzany 
Domgasse 1
4010 Linz

Room DO.04.35
Office hours: DI to DO from 09.00 to 12.30 and by telephone appointment

T: +43 (0)732 7898 2471
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 273