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Design research and design theory

Within the Chair of Design Research and Design Theory, the focus is on the experimental generation of knowledge in and through design. A dynamic interplay between analytical-systematic exploration and pragmatic-applied design practice characterizes the core of these efforts. Particular emphasis is placed on future-oriented, practice-based research, while at the same time offering insights into past and current theoretical discourses.The following essential questions are at the center of this academic investigation:

  • To what extent can design disciplines, confronted with complex and networked challenges, contribute to critical knowledge production?
  • How can the principles of sustainability and transformation be integrated into design practice without remaining confined to a purely Western perspective?
  • To what extent do designers directly or indirectly influence the development and change of existing and future power structures?
  • What responsibility do designers have with regard to the impact of their designs on the environment and society?

These and other questions are examined in interdisciplinary courses and driven forward by research. Dealing with these topics promotes a deep understanding of the role of design in today's society and its potential to make significant contributions to social, ecological and ethical challenges.

Head and Contact

Prof. Dr. Florian Sametinger
T: +43 (732) 7898 - 2330

University of Arts Linz
Institute for Space and Design
Hauptplatz 6
4020 Linz