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Data storage

User- and Groupdrive

These network drives are used for file storage of individals and groups. The main advantage is that the data is saved on Servers of the "Kunstuniversität Linz", which includes regular backups. It is also easier to have access to the same data on different devices and in case a device needs to be replaced, the data doesn't need to be backed-up individually, instead access can be reestablished quickly.

Windows: How to map network drives 
Group drive path: \\gruppe.daten.kunstuni-linz.at\daten
User drive path: \\meine.daten.kunstuni-linz.at\daten

MacOS: Connect to a computer or server by entering its address 
Group drive path: smb://gruppe.daten.kunstuni-linz.at/daten
User drive path: smb://meine.daten.kunstuni-linz.at/daten

Note: You need to be within the network of the "Kunstuniversität Linz". For external access see below.

OpenText Filr

This is a cloud-like system (like "Dropbox"), enabling access to network drives from everywhere.

The URL to access the user interface via a webbrowser is: https://filr-ng.kunstuni-linz.at
Login credentials are the same as for UFGonline.

In order to have access to your files even when offline or without using a webbrowser, you can install the client (desktop-app) on your device. It saves your files locally, so you can edit them on your device and then they are automatically synchronised with the server, when you are online. The client is available for Windows, MacOS, Linux and mobile devices and can be downloaded from the user interface (see above). The server-address is the same as the URL.

Furthermore "Filr" allows for team collaboration: Share files and folders even with external users, receive notifications on file changes, edit documents together, allow uploading of files etc.


If you are experiencing problems accessing your files, please specify which drive and folder you are trying to access!
T: +43 732 7898 3270