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University Organisational Structure >  Central Administration >  IT-Services > About ZID - Contact

IT Department

Central IT Services (German acronym "ZID") is a service facility of Kunstuniversität Linz tasked with supplying all sectors of the University with appropriate information- and communications-technology. ZID serves a counselling and operative function regarding the procurement and installation of IT components (hardware and software, network, computer rooms), oversees customised software and interfaces to support the administration and teaching processes and manages information-solutions such as various websites of the university, a campus administration-software as well as e-learning software. ZID provides all students and staff members of Kunstuniversität Linz with a communication platform, see: e-mail


T: +43 732 7898 3270
MO-DO 08:00-12:00, 12:30-16:30
FR 08:00-14:00
Raum H60139 + H60150-52
»Infos zum Ticket-System



T: +43 732 7898 3204
MO-FR 08:00-12:00
Raum H60140


T: +43 732 7898 3262
F: +43 732 7898 83262



T: +43 732 7898 2291
FR 09:00-15:00
Raum H60140


► How to get to Kunstuniversität Linz

Hauptplatz 6

4020 Linz | Austria
1st floor

H60139 + H60150 – 52: ZID-IT Support/Helpdesk
H60140: ZID-UFGonline Support

H60136: ZID-Computer Lab A

Domgasse 1

4020 Linz | Austria
Ground floor

DOEG24: ZID-Computer Lab 3

► About the ZID-Computer Labs