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Nude Drawing - University Course

Appointments for admission interviews can be arranged with the course lecturer by phone or email at the end or beginning of any semester.

The Life Drawing University Course focuses on practical drawing and painting from models. The course also includes inspiring visual aids and illustrative material, both as projections of picture series and as course reserves and selected literature available from the library.

Perceiving and capturing
In many ways, life drawing is a means of honing one’s perceptive skills. Depicting a human being requires meticulous and precise observation: the model in his or her environment needs to be just as carefully observed as the elements applied to the page or canvas during drawing and painting (lines, flecks of colour, utensil marks, etc.). While this formal interplay ultimately creates the illusion of plasticity and three-dimensionality, the impact generated by the composition is what conveys a mood, an expression, or a narrative...

Inspired by history
Depictions of people have always played a pivotal role in the visual arts, regardless of the epoch or civilisation. It was at the European art academies established in the mid-16th century that life drawing first emerged as a key discipline in an artist’s formal training. The picture series featured in the course is structured around the practical problems of representation and offers insights into the sheer diversity of the creative output involved in figurative artworks. The aim is to encourage discussions and stimulate reflections on the possibilities of figurative representation within the context of today’s art world. The nude model is the common starting point for both the practical exercises and the exploration of the underlying theories.

Zeichnung von Melanie Trimmel

Head of course
Mag. art. Annelies Oberdanner
T: +43 (0)664 732 88658

Hauptplatz 8, 5th floor,
Ro.no. H80502
4020 Linz

Thu.: 11.15 to 2.15 p.m. and 4.30 to 8 p.m. and by appointment



Internet pre-registration (important for confirmed applicants!)