zum Inhalt
University Locations > Hauptplatz 6

Location - Hauptplatz 6

The following departments are located at
Hauptplatz 6
4020 Linz | Austria

space&designstrategies (1st floor)
Industrial Design (3rd floor)
Architecture (4th floor)


Department of Space and Design
Rectorate (2nd floor)
Central Administration (2nd floor)
Department of Legal Affairs / Admission / Examination / International Office (3rd floor) 
überholz - Master Course for Wood and Timber Architecture (2nd floor)
Forum - Alumni (3rd floor)
splace am Hauptplatz (ground floor)
C-FD Center For Future Design (1st floor)
Cafeteria Frédéric (ground floor)
Facilities (basement)


Transcendence elevator

MO to FR from 11.00 to 17.00 open to the public

- As usual, access is via the porter's lodge/infopoint of the University of Art and Design Linz
- The maximum number of people and maximum weight permitted per lift ride is as stated on the lift

Please simply press the "6" button and you will be taken to lofty heights above the roof of the building, from where you can enjoy a wonderful view over the old town and across the Danube into the Mühlviertel.