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überholz – Master Course for Wood and Timber Architecture


Wherever the high-tech material timber is used in construc-tion, craftsmanship and building culture, tradition and moder-nity meet to develop, through their dialogue, better ideas and, literally, more robust technical and design concepts.The greater the complexity of construction tasks, and the more ambitious the formal, technical and organisational challenges, the greater, too, the demand for specifi c timber construction know-how – and for effi cient team players able to look far be-yond the boundaries of their trade and professional profile.

überholz imparts a culture of co-operation. The curricu-lum defi nes itself as an interdisciplinary lab for innovative timber construction that conveys both artistic and technical knowledge. Having planners and practitioners study together strengthens mutual understanding and serves as the basis for successful collaboration between future project partners.

© Veronika Müller

Career & skills profile
überholz is an extra-occupational, interdisciplinary training programmefor architects, structural analysts/designers and timber construction experts. The programme especially focuses on interdisciplinary communication and teaches successful co-operation strategies.

Skills taught
überholzboth communicates expert know-how and provides an opportunity to intensify personal work focuses and find newco-operation partners. Direct exchange with internationally renowned timber construction experts enables participants to combine their own professional know-how with cutting-edge fi ndings from the fi elds of science, technology and craftsmanship.