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Prerequisites, Registration & Admission


Important current information!

The admission examination (academic year 2025/26) for the Bachelor's degree programme Graphic Design and Photography is held online!

Successful completion of the entrance examination is a prerequisite for admission to the degree programme (§ 76 Abs. 4 UG).

Admission to the Bachelor's degree programme is subject to the following prerequisites:

  • basic abilities to understand design-related interactions and tasks
  • artistic and creative potential
  • communicative competences
  • broad and varied interest in social/societal developments
  • the ability to identify essential issues from given subject areas, to make them visible through a creative process and also to reflect on them theoretically

Knowledge of the Windows and Mac operating systems is a prerequisite; alternatively, mastery of these systems must be acquired independently during the first semester or by taking various courses at the university. Basic knowledge in the use of a professional image editing programme and vector drawing tool (e.g. Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand, ...) is also a prerequisite for participation in the degree programme (but not for the entrance examination) and can be acquired independently via LinkedIn learning.

Admission requirements

The aptitude test is carried out on the basis of submitted work samples (portfolio), a practical work to be created on a given topic (as proof of artistic aptitude and proof of authorship of the submitted work samples) and an interview.

The admission procedure

1. online registration
Online registration for the entrance examination is possible during the application period (see Studies & Admission / Entrance Examination) at calls.kunstuni-linz.at/calls.

2. online submission of the application portfolio including the examination paper
Please upload the digital application portfolio to calls.kunstuni-linz.at/calls between March 19th and June 10th, 2025.

Determination of aptitude on the basis of the application portfolio 
The examination board decides on the basis of your application portfolio incl. written examination (assessment of the portfolio according to artistic aptitude) whether you may participate in the admission interview.

Positive evaluation of the application portfolio
If your application portfolio is evaluated positively by the examination committee, you will receive further information on the admission interview as well as a detailed schedule by e-mail.

3. admission interview
After the positive evaluation of the application portfolio including the written examination, an online admission interview with the examination board will take place. The dates for the online interview are personalised and announced by e-mail.

Finally, the examination board evaluates the admission interview in connection with the practical written examination task as well as the submitted free works and, on this basis, assesses the artistic aptitude for the degree programme.

Dates for the entrance examination in the academic year 2025/26

Online application:
March 19th to June 10th, 2025

Online submission of the application portfolio:
March 19th to June 10th, 2025, 12 a.m.

Examination dates:
July 1st to 3rd, 2025

Contents of application portfolio

A) Curriculum vitae (max. one DIN A4 page). Please do NOT include a photo with your CV.
B) Letter of motivation (max. 200 words): Why do you want to study graphic design and photography? Why are you suited for the study? How do you want to use your knowledge and skills later on?
C) Portfolio: Consisting of a) free work (max. 25 papers) and b) the written exam paper.
Written examination: You will find the assignment for the written examination from March 19th, 2025 here.
In addition, you can enter links to digitally published work samples (e.g. movies with max. 4 min./websites/etc.) as URLs.

There are no fixed requirements for the free papers. Show us what you have been working with in the last few years and that you want to study graphic design and photography. Present conceptual ideas, not just craftsmanship. Also include experiments and "unfinished" work.

- Maximum 25 works
- The work should show your creative potential and talent.
- We are looking for designers who are interested in experimenting in a playful and interdisciplinary way in the fields of image creation, new media and communication design in order to express themselves visually and thereby tell a story. express themselves visually and thereby want to tell something.
- The portfolio says a lot about your personality.
- Process documentation of idea generation.- Show free work, conceptual approaches, unusual solutions.
- We expect you to be familiar with PCs and PC applications as working tools.
- If you would like to show us digital works (e.g. short films of max. 4 min. length/websites etc.), present them on your dedicated internet platform and let us know the URL of your works.

Language skills

Please be aware that our study is not an international course programme, the courses are not taught in English. Some teachers are able to hold classes in English, but it is necessary that you are able to follow the courses in German.

How well do I need to speak German?
Students from abroad whose native language is not German must provide proof of German language proficiency before the 3rd semester: Level B1. For more info please click here.
Where can I take a German language course?
BFI Linz
VHS Linz

Is knowledge of English required for the course?
Yes! It is important that you can understand English in order to read international literature, films and individual English-language courses.


Univ.Prof. Tina Frank


Department Visual Communication
T: +43 (0) 732 7898 2311

Study adminstration
Anna Artaker

University of Arts Linz
Department of Visual Communication
Hauptplatz 8
4020 Linz | Austria