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Studies Degree Programmes >  textile·art·design >  Master Programme > Admission


Graduates of the textile·art·design bachelor programme do not need to undergo an admission examination.
 However, an admission examination is required for graduates of another, equivalent bachelor or similar programme of 6 semesters’ duration at a university, academy or college.
You need to register online to be able to participate in the admission examination. All information about the registration process and current examination dates is given here.

The admission examination comprises the following partial examinations

• Submission of a portfolio
• Submission of a letter of motivation

• Admission interview

stage 1

Examination of the documents submitted online (portfolio and letter of motivation) by the admissions committee with determination of artistic suitability. The evaluation of the submission by the committee will be communicated in the week before online admission using the digital submission system (https://calls.ufg.at).

stage 2

Admission to the interview - The invitation to the online interview via Cisco Webex Meetings will be sent to the email address provided in the week before admission.

Examination Venue

The entrance examination takes place online.
Please make sure you have good internet connection and use a computer with a camera. You will be informed of the specific course of the online test by e-mail in the week prior to admission.


Univ.-Prof. Mag. Johannes Schweiger
johannes.schweiger@ kunstuni-linz.at


Univ.-Ass. Doris Bujatti, MA
M: +43 (0) 676 84 7898 2351

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