The University of Arts Linz is committed against any form of discrimination and opposes discrimination based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, social, cultural, ethnic, national origin, economic, educational and migration background, physical condition and state of health, ableist definitions, religion and belief, and age.
In line with legal provisions, the University of Arts Linz aims at providing professional support to applicants with disabilities, mental or chronic illnesses. Thus, the university expressly encourages applicants with disabilities, mental or chronic illnesses to apply for a study programme. In order to provide equal opportunities for all applicants, the university is committed to take affirmative action.
In case alternative modes of examination are required for taking part in the admission examination, please get in touch with the contact person. Together with the respective admission examination committee we will try to find a reasonable alternative way for your participation.
As soon as students are officially enrolled legal claims regarding alternative modes of examination apply. However, in this case the disability or illness needs to be proved and the necessity of an alternative mode of examination has to be well-grounded. Furthermore, if you are a handicapped person according to §3 Federal Equal Opportunities Act, you are exempt from the minimum requirement of study progress after four semesters (§ 59a Abs. 5 Universities Act 2002). In this case, please get in touch with the Student Services Centre.
We also encourage students to take the opportunity of participating in an exchange programme, while they are studying at our university. Special Inclusion support is provided.
In the section Further Information you find helpful links.
Contact Person
Kristina Hauser, MA
T: +43 732 7898 2241
Further Information
Studying with disability / Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Education, Science and Research (available in German only)
Accessibility Unit – Austrian National Union of Students
Department for Intersectional Empowerment – Students’ Union of the University of Arts Linz
Austrian Federation of Deaf Persons (available in German only)
Austrian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted
Association of People with Chronic Disease(s) (available in German only)