zum Inhalt

By submitting your diploma or master thesis at the University Library, you ensure that your scientific or artistic thesis will be noticed and received by a broad public; conversely, you also have access to all other diploma or master theses. In addition, the University Library ensures permanent long-term archiving and thus availability.

MKKT (MA) and PhD Program

The submission of the digital master's thesis / dissertation for the Master Program Media Culture and Art Theories MKKT and the PhD Program is done via the new submission portal of the Study Office.
Subsequently, within 48 hours, the hardbound copies according to the library's specifications must also be handed in at the Study Office or sent by mail to the Study Office, Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz (the date of the postmark applies). All regulations regarding the submission of your thesis (number of copies, external form, information on the title page, etc.) can be found in "Handout MKKT" and in  "Handout for Completing the PhD-Program".

Master of Education

The information on submitting a master thesis in the teaching program can be found at Liles.

all other Diploma- and Master Programs

In order to fulfil your publication obligation, you have to submit your diploma or master thesis to the university library. All regulations concerning the submission of your diploma or master thesis (number of copies, external form, information on the title page, etc.) can be found in the corresponding information sheets below.


On Thursday, 3 April
the Library opens at 10a.m.

Service hours 
MON to THU: 9.00 to 17.00
FRI: 9.00 to 15.00

Hauptplatz 8/I
4020 Linz
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2255