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Studies International Issues > OUTGOING Student mobility

OUTGOING Student Mobility

Application process for 2025/26 

Erasmus+ partner

Bilateral partner

Application period: November 28th, 2024 – February 6th, 2025 

A stay abroad during your studies is the best way to get to know new things and should, among other things, promote and strengthen intercultural experiences. You will benefit from this experience for the rest of your life.

In each study cycle, students have the opportunity to spend up to 12 months abroad as part of the exchange programmes we offer and depending on budgetary availability.

Interested? Here you can find student  Experience reports

Are you a student at our university and interested in studying abroad? We regularly organise information events to which we cordially invite you. We are also happy to provide you with individual counselling - please make an appointment.


For stays abroad during the lecture and examination period, an application for a waiver of tuition fees can be submitted for a minimum stay of 2 months.

Students on leave of absence cannot participate in the exchange programs.

A student exchange (study) can only take place at a︎ partner university of the University of Arts Linz via the available MOBILITY PROGRAMS. The Grant abroad enables students to prepare their final work abroad.


The Rectorate is currently not sending any students to Israel until further notice. 

United Kingdom:
In order to be fully compliant with UK Visa regulations it is necessary for students from third countries to provide evidence of their English language proficiency unless they are a national of a majority English speaking country. A wide range of qualifications are acceptable ranging from IELTS to DuoLingo.

Here you can check whether you need a U.K. visa.

Mobility Programs:

PhD Programme - Exchange at partner universities

An Erasmus exchange or a bilateral exchange can be carried out for the duration of 1 semester (extension option depending on budget availability) at partner universities with which mobility in the PhD programme (Erasmus+ programme: ISCED code 9999) has been contractually agreed. 

PhD students can also apply for a Blended Intensive Programme  BIP Information under certain conditions (depending on the BIP).

Information is available from the International Office.

Inclusion support

The University of Arts Linz aims to provide special support and assistance to disadvantaged students and staff wishing to study abroad. Please do not hesitate to contact the International Office team if you have any questions on this topic!
More details under link

Green Travel Funding

If you use environmentally friendly means of transport, you will receive a higher travel allowance, whereby sustainable travel is expected for distances of less than 500 km.
Information and tips at link

Language support

  • Erasmus Programme link
  • Bilateral exchange programme link

Health and emergency helplines

The University of Arts Linz provides helplines on health and emer gencies at home and abroad link

Good to know

  • The University of Arts Linz advises students to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the country of travel or host country (exit restrictions) country-specific travel information
  • Possibility of travel registration - service of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, which is available to all Austrians free of charge link
  • App for the smartphone: Auslandsservice

update August 2024


Yulia Schachinger MA
T: +43 (0) 732 7898 2346

Tuesday to Friday
Appointments by appointment only

University of Arts Linz
International Office
Department of Legal Affairs / Admission / Examination
Hauptplatz 6, 3rd floor
4020 Linz | Austria