The ABROAD GRANT serves to prepare the final diploma, bachelor, master work/thesis or dissertation (PhD) abroad . The abroad grant does not entitle the holder to a stay at a university in the host country.
Period of the application process: from 1 March 2025 to 31 March 2025
Period in which stays must take place: from 1 May 2025 to 30 April 2026
Link to the online application:
A counselling interview is required for a successful application!
Required application documents:
Enclosures for any entitlement to a top-up (are listed in the application form)
If you have any questions about submitting your application documents, please contact the International Office .
The ABROAD GRANT is a subsidy for increased living costs abroad and not a full scholarship. Funding can be granted within the limits of the budget.
Funding is available for a stay of at least 2 weeks to a maximum of 5 months (depending on budgetary availability).
Contact us 2 months before the end of the stay (depending on budgetary availability).
This extension must be well justified in a letter of recommendation from the final supervisor!
If further stays abroad are required for the same final project, a new application (with all required enclosures) and a further recommendation from the same supervisor must be submitted in good time.
For stays abroad during the lecture and examination period, an application for a waiver of tuition fees can be submitted for a minimum stay of 2 months.
Monthly top -up of EUR 250.00 for the following target groups (analogous to the Erasmus+ program):
Funding for the use of sustainable means of transportation (e.g. train, bus, carpooling) further information
The Austrian study grant can be continued for the duration of the scholarship abroad if the student is generally fully admitted to study and take examinations in Austria. The foreign grant must be applied for at the scholarship office .
The award of the scholarship abroad does not automatically include insurance cover.
Students are obliged to take care of their own insurance cover Information
The student is responsible for obtaining the necessary entry documents for the host country.
Things to consider before the stay / Visa
update February 18, 2025
Yulia Schachinger MA
T: +43 (0) 732 7898 2346
Office days:
Tuesday to Friday
Appointments by arrangement only
University of Arts Linz
International Office
Admission and Examination Department
Hauptplatz 6, 3rd floor
4020 Linz | Austria