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Things to consider before the stay / Visa

What you should know before going abroad:

Legal requirements

  • What entry and residence requirements does my destination country have for study visits?
  • Do I need a visa? This question is answered by embassies and consulates.

You can findanswers here Information from the Austrian Exchange Service

Please also refer to the travel information provided by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.

Remember to apply for a visa in good time!

You are responsible for obtaining the necessary entry documents for your host country. You will need an "Acceptance Letter" from the host university to apply for a visa. The costs are to be borne by yourself.


Participation in the United Kingdom:

Students from the EU must apply for a student visa for the U.K. from January 1, 2021.

OeAD hotline for questions: +43 1 53408-555.

update May 16, 2024