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Master's program in Time-based Media

Study structure
The duration of study is 4 semesters.

About the course
Time-based media is positioned in the interdisciplinary examination of different ways of working with time-based media, i.e. working with video (practice and theory), film (theory) and sound, media installations and productions, interactive systems, design with digital media and innovative program creation. Based on the students' individual areas of focus, the interdisciplinary relationships in the productive, receptive and reflexive areas of time-based media are explored and expressed. In addition, work steps are practiced and refined, from the formulation of objectives, project conception, project development and project elaboration to the presentation and presentation of the results. The teaching aims to impart the ability to work independently and in a team.

The Time-Based Media course helps students to determine their personal position; they receive individual support and supervision.

In the Master's program, students develop their own artistic, scientific and transdisciplinary projects and works in process- and problem-oriented modules. The main aim of the course is to convey a critical openness towards social, societal, political and artistic problems as well as a questioning of artistic production with regard to social relevance and ideological-political implications.

Experimental, performative, spatial, cultural studies and art historical aspects are incorporated into the project development and theoretical training of time-based media, media practice and media production. Such a media-historical and cultural background should enable graduates to develop a differentiated approach to their own work and to place it in a targeted manner in the various areas of the media and media industry as well as possible artistic and scientific fields of work.

Music Session, photo © Zeitbasierte Medien
Music Session, photo © Zeitbasierte Medien


Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Christoph Nebel


Senior Artist Mag.art Gerlinde Schmierer

Univ.-Ass. Andreea Vladut, MA
