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Dawid Liftinger, Falling - Musicvideo 2013 © Dawid Liftinger

Programme objectives

It is the objective of the programme to offer an in-depth and comprehensive technical, artistic and theoretical basic course in the field of time-based and interactive digital media so as to enable graduates


  • to find their way around the artistic and commercial fields of digital media,
  • to determine their own position and to formulate, streamline and present (artistic) project ideas,
  • to specialise in one sub-area after graduation,
  • to implement the technical and organisational aspects of projects independently or as part of a team and to communicate efficiently with specialists, media engineers and computer scientists, (cultural) institutions and sponsors,
  • to take part in shaping shared-task processes through a capacity for communication and teamwork,
  • to work in the creative industries, a field undergoing constant change (this certainly involves further specialisation, for which the programme provides the necessary basis),
  • to attend master programmes to further deepen their knowledge.

It is our objective to offer a well-founded artistic programme, which tends to achieve in all programme modules a well-balanced relation between the students' art work, reflection in media theory and instructions in media technology.

Skills profile and career options

Graduates of the bachelor programme may expect promising career options in the creative industries and in the information and communications technologies (ICT). Primary competencies will lie in the development, creation, design and implementation of multimedia and Web applications, the production of videos and animations for use by institutions, organisations and enterprises for the purposes of presentation, information, communication, advertising, training, entertainment and event staging.

Likewise, personal development to embrace an independent artistic career is also part and parcel of the skills profile. Providing graduates with the qualifications necessary to succeed in the commercial as well as in the artistic sphere supports and fosters their ability to formulate and develop new career options on their own.

It is highly recommended that students embark on the follow-up master programme to acquire in-depth professional knowledge in the professional and activity fields specified above.


Univ. Prof. Mag.art. PhD. 
Joachim Smetschka

Information about the study program and the entrance examination: 
Mag.art. Bettina Steinmaurer
T: +43 (0) 732 7898 2397
Office hours: 
MON to THURS - please arrange an appointment (by email)