Living in Austria
Here you can find helpful information on topics regarding daily life in Austria. First of all, we recommend going through this brochure for a lot of general information on Austria.
Please note: according to the Tuberculosis Act (1968) and the Upper Austrian Tuberculosis Screening Regulation (1999) third country nationals (does not apply to nationals of: Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand) are obliged to participate in a TBC screening. After you have registered residency in Austria, you will be informed about the screening by (snail) mail to your Austrian address. Thus, please check your post box regularly (in case you miss the screening date, police are entitled to pick you up at home and guide you to the screening).
Housing / registration of residence
As the University of Arts Linz cannot provide student housing, we recommend registering early for a dormitory room, looking for a room in a shared apartment or your own apartment. Please find all relevant links here.
In case you are late, you might consider moving outside Linz, as many neighbouring towns/villages are very well connected by public transport.
Once you have found a room/apartment, don’t forget to register residence at the local responsible authority!
In case you want or need to work alongside your studies, you can search for jobs on the website of the ÖH JKU Linz, the Public Employment Service Austria, or at via commercial websites such as If you have a residence permit student, you are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week, given you have successfully applied for an employment permit.
Bank account
The easiest and cheapest way of getting a bank account/checking account in Austria is going for an online account (list available at the Student Services Center). However, depending on your nationality this might be difficult, as some banks are rather strict with citizens of specific third-countries. In this case, you need to personally attend a branch and see a counsellor.
The main university in Linz, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, offers a broad range of sports classes at their University SPORTS Institute (USI). These inexpensive courses can also be attended by students of the University of Arts Linz.
Another attractive offer is visiting of one of the four big public swimming pools in Linz, which all also provide spa areas.
Health and mental wellbeing
Emergency numbers are available here. In case you don’t feel well, but cannot go see a doctor, call 1450 - a free 24-hour health advice service.
There are also several services for students regarding mental wellbeing. One of them is the Psychological Counselling Center Linz. Counselling is also offered by the catholic and protestant university chaplaincies.
For all persons living in Austria, health insurance is mandatory. For international students – particularly for third country nationals – the easiest way of getting insurance is applying for a self-insurance for students via the Austrian statutory health insurance (ÖGK). The monthly rate is about EUR 70.
Interest groups
The Austrian Student Union at the University of Arts Linz serves as the first place to go, regarding any study-related questions. The team can offer consultation and support in many aspects related to student life. It also opens opportunities for networking and getting involved. It is part of the Austrian National Union of Students which is the legal representation of all students vis-à-vis the responsible ministries.
In addition, there is a Austrian Student Ombuds Office which takes care of all issues brought to its attention.
If you are working in Austria alongside your studies, you can join the Austrian Labour Union (ÖGB) to benefit from broad (legal) support.
International Student ID
An international Student ID is valid world-wide, verifies your status as a student and provides many discounts. You find detailed information and an order form here.
Legal affairs
Information on the legal basis of universities in Austria – Federal Act on the Organisation of Universities and their Studies – is available here.
Provisions regarding copyright are available under the Copyright Act, however the website is available in German only.
Information on which academic titles can be used in Austria and under which conditions is regulated by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, please check out the list “Use of academic titles”.