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Studies Degree Programmes >  Interface Cultures >  Master Programme >  Students > Exchange Students

Eva Artinger

Born in Germany, studies since 2003 in Austria.
She graduated 2006 with a Bachelor of Sciene in Mediatechnology and -design at the University of Applied Science Hagenberg. As a part of her bachelor program she did an internship at the Interactive Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. She studies now for a Master degree in Interface Cultures.

Soong Bo-Hsuan

1.The Weight of OrchestraIdea: every one has his/her unique voice. Research has demonstrated that there is a correlation between a person's sound and weight or body density. I therefore use weight to make sound. I tried to produce device that can make sound when a person plays it.
2.The  seesaw of  memory Idea:When our parents or lover is gone, how can we remember them , just in the  photo or in video?Because everyone have the experience play the seesaw with our parents or friend when we are children. So I use the seesaw to make a work. I hope I can by way of weight to feel them when them is gone.

Aleksandra Bolcek

26 years old artist of media art born in Poland. Although my artistic education touches many fields of fine arts, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic design, animation etc, I found myself best in interactive installations in wide spaces and stage design. In my artistic activities I’m trying to design my works in purpose to active interaction with the audience, and in the same time to smuggling some content. Mostly inspired by biological structures and microscopic creatures because the mother nature is a greatest artist for me!:) In the future I plan to focus all of my attention to the theatre/dance scene design, with the use of interactive media and 3D mapping.

Davide Bruno

Exchange student from Italy.
I focused my studies in graphic design and graduated in Product and Communication Design at Politecnico di Torino in 2019.
I then moved to Milano to study Digital and Interaction Design at Politecnico di Milano. Here I started my experimentations with generative art and interactive installations. As an exchange student in the interface cultures program, I aim at delving into creative coding and interactive scenarios.

Jesus Cabrera Hernandez

Born in Madrid Spain, Jesus has background of studies in Art History and Graphic Design. Jesus graduated in BA Hons in Art - Digital Media Production - at the University of Arts London UK in 2007. He is now attending the Visual Arts and Multimedia Master Course at the University Polytechnic of Valencia Spain and being a Interchange Student in the Interface Culture Master at the Kunstuniversität Linz Austria since October of 2008. He does research and artworks focus in the Human - Computer Interaction on the field of how technology affects human behaviors such: alienation, nostalgia, social networks, etc, Specially in how things that nowadays are being doing in front a computer related wit "traditional ways" of doing same things and how the society is adopting new technologies.

Gabriela Carneiro

Graduated on Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of São Paulo, Brasil, where she works as a researcher since 2002 at  Nomads.usp, Center for Interactive Living Studies. She's now finishing her master studies about the process of conception and development of interactive architectures and objects focusing on the role played by designers and architects on this field. She attended the Interface Culture program as a guest student on 2007 where she developed the project Affective Twins, presented at the Campus 2.0 exhibition from the 2007 Ars Electronica Festival. The project consisted of two interactive furniture pieces which explores relations between users and objects inside the domestic environment.

Patricia Margarit Castelló

Patricia was born in Valencia (Spain), where she studied Dramatic Art, specialization in gesture and movement, based on Jacques Lecoq's pedagogy; and the five years of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts "San Carlos", at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She also began to study a Master Degree in Multimedia and Visual Arts, at the same university, and is currently finishing it as an Interface Culture student, in Kunstuniversität Linz (Austria). Her interests lies in videogames, specially related to power and social criticism; human-computer interaction; 3D; videomapping; interaction design; activism; interfaces; narrative; storytelling; audiovisuals; scenography; and the relation between art, technology, media and society. She likes to be aware of social and politics issues and to put the spotlight on them in a playful way, making them more visible but without the usual sense of oppression and apathy that often goes with those topics. She also has taken part in several festivals, exhibitions, group artworks, theatre plays and shortfilms, both as an actress and as director.

Chen Ting-Yu

Exchange student from Taiwan.
I study New Media Art in Taipei National University of the Arts. Creations involve image, kinetic art, and ready-made.Visualizing self-experience and the relationships between people, and express emotions with dynamic changes.

Kerem Düzenli

Kerem Düzenli (1997, TR) embarked on a creative odyssey from the world of architectural design, graduating with honors in Architecture before venturing into the realm of computer technologies, guided by an enduring artistic spirit. Accepted into the Master's Degree program in Computer Aided Art and Design, his muse was discovered in coding, shaping his aspiration to craft digital artistry for entities both small and grand.
With experience in Python, Golang, and C#, contributions span diverse projects, from crafting captivating puzzle games to web development. His journey embodies the fusion of art and technology, as reflected in thought-provoking articles on blockchain, NFTs, and the evolving tech-driven metaverse. His artistic spirit continually fuels exploration of new projects, fostering a culture of innovation and learning. In the realm of coding and creativity, he is a digital artisan carving a unique path.

Angela Holzer

Before she began to study Interface Cultures 2003 she graduated at School for fashion and textile-technology, Salzburg. She realized the CAVE Installation "LEAVE" with Martin Erich Pammer at the Ars Electronica Festival 2005. Currently she works for the medienschmiede advertising agency in Linz.

Stefan Kainbacher

Stefan has studied communication design in Dornbirn, Manchester and Berlin. After that he moved to Linz to study space&designstrategies and interface cultures. He earns his living with his design studio BEAUTY PARLOUR. Beside that he teaches within the field of art and design. Together with Tim Devine he runs the VJ-Crew NEON GOLDEN and performs internationally on a regular base.

Junichi Kanebako

Junichi Kanebako was born in Asashina village (now Saku City) 1984. After graduating from the Faculty of Software and Information Science at Iwate Prefectural University, he now conducts research and production at Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) with the aim of developing interfaces where users are not distracted by the presence of the computer. Interfaces created during enrollment in the Institute include the musical interface Mountain Guitar, an interface that visualizes musical information, Ange-kyo, and others. He presented at the international conference New Interfaces for Musical Expression - NIME 07. Mountain Guitar won honorable mention in Japan¹s 13th Student CG Contest -category of Interactive Art.

Asumi Kitahori

Asumi Kitahori was born in 1991 in Tokyo.Graduated BA in computer science at Hosei University. During her studies she was interested in the artwork using biological information.Since 2014, she has studying media creation at Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Science [IAMAS] and focuses on the relation of the body image, human consciousness and technology. Through the dance performance, producing fashionable devices and installations, she attempts to alter the awareness for our own vivid-body.

Ichiro Kojima

(IAMAS student)
I was born in Yokohama. I graduated from IAMAS (International Academy of Media Arts and Science)2002. After that I worked at the Web and Mobile Business Division of Livedoor Co., Ltd., as a chief designer 2003-2006. I took part in several art projects as an art director and designer in Paris and Istanbul.
A list of my works includes CD jackets, editorial, business web sites and interactive media installations

Sho Kuwabara

Exchange student from IAMAS, Japan.
I studied Avand-Garde Art theory in early 20th.
My graduation thesis was about "Applications of Synaesthesia into Arts" and on that theme, as a synaesthete, sho worked on abstract paintings, digital videos, graphic designs, and media installations which were based on the translation from characters into colours.
Here in Interace culture, I am working on making a firefox add-on which convert existing webpages into colour patterns, and developing an installation which focus on the mixture of natural and artificial colours.

Graziele Lautenschläger

Graziele Lautenschlaeger is a brazilian researcher graduated in 2005 in Image and Sound at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), which provided her a background in audiovisual and communication theory. Since 2007, she is inscribed in the Architecture and Urbanism Master´s Program of the University of São Paulo at Nomads.usp (Center for Interactive Living Studies). From March untill September of 2008, in the Interface Culture Department, she keeps working in her theoretical issues and developing a practical project related to the mains aspects of her research.

Rosemary Lee

Rosemary Lee is an artist and theorist working between the fields of art, philosophy, poetry, science, politics, and technology. Her sculptural approach can be seen to influence as much her writing as installations, thinking through structures and using poetic concepts to shape materiality.
Graduating with an M.A. with Distinction from the Division of Media and Communication at the European Graduate School (2012), and receiving a B.F.A. with Honors, emphasis in Fiber and Material Studies, from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2008). Rosemary Lee's artwork and writing have been presented internationally in exhibitions, conferences, and publications related to art, theory, and politics.

Istvan Loerincz

Was focused on machine construction and engineering before he started to study Informatics at the Kepler University in Linz and currently joins several courses of the Interface Culture Institute. He was part of the "recipeTable" team.

Jav Mayans

Born in Spain, he has a background in Industrial Design. He is taking part in a Visual and Multimedia Arts Master Degree in Valencia and was part of Interface Cultures as an exchange student during 2011.
Originally interested in graphic design, he introduced himself in interaction design centred in interfaces. He's projects deal with new ways of communication between humans and computers, trying to imagine how the technology can be developed to an easier way of understanding from the point of view of the users.
His research is about augmented reality, graphic user interface (GUI) and information display. Focussing on user recognition, the user will carry all the information needed in a given situation with  him/herself, with no need of other identification process different from the face and its recognition.

Hugo Martínez-Tormo

Hugo Martínez-Tormo was born in Valencia, Spain. He is an Agricultural Engineer and graduated in Fine Arts by the UPV (Polytechnic University of Valencia). Actually he is attending the official Visual Arts and Multimedia Degree in the UPV, Valencia, and being an Interchange Student in the Interface Culture Master Degree in Kunst Universitat Linz, Austria, since October 2009.
Owing to his technical and scientific formation, his work and research deal with existent relation between art and science using technology, talking about many different topics like environmental problems, ecology or identity, being a conceptual artist. In 2004 he created the concept “nanorrealism”, the study of matter and energy in nanometric scales and its conceptual artistic application, mainly with different shapes, colors and sounds of atoms. In 2008 he created the concept “ToE.art”, based on scientific theory search, the theory of everything, which tryies to unify all formulated theories untill now, claims to unify scientific and artistic concepts mainly using installations. Actually his work is based on this concepts; using different disciplines and expression media as interactive and audiovisual installations, video-art, net-art, painting, sculpture or photography, being a multidisciplinary artist.

Gisela Nunes

Gisela Nunes, born in Portugal, graduated in Multimedia Design from ESAP (Oporto Higher Artistic School - Guimarães) and holds a postgraduate course on Digital Design from the School of Arts, Portuguese Catholic University (Porto). She is currently an Exchange Student in the Interface Culture Master at University of Art and Design Linz, while attending the Master program in Technology and Digital Art, from University of Minho. Her present interests are focused on how technology can influence life and enable the creation of digital artworks involving interaction with people.

Orti Carlos

2014-15 - Exchange. Interface Culture. Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria.
2013-14 - Master Visual Arts & Multimedia. Facultad de Bellas Artes. UPV, Spain.
2011-12 - Exchange. Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. VŠVU, Slovakia.
2008-13 - Fine Arts. Facultad de Bellas Artes San Carlos. UPV, Spain.

2014-15 - Exchange. Interface Culture. Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria.
2013-14 - Master Visual Arts & Multimedia. Facultad de Bellas Artes. UPV, Spain.
2011-12 - Exchange. Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. VŠVU, Slovakia.
2008-13 - Fine Arts. Facultad de Bellas Artes San Carlos. UPV, Spain.

Hannah Rosamonde Perner-Wilson

Born in 1983 and raised in Brighton/ England, I moved to Austria with my family at the age of ten. After completing High School in Salzburg I moved to America for a year where I travelled, worked and took some college courses. The following year I attended a foundation year in art and design studies at Reading College of Art and Design in England.

Since 2003 I have been studying Industrial Design at the Art University in Linz and have since found myself considering the combination of new media technologies with formal product language to communicate information. I'm interest in how traditional industrial manufacturing elements, which through their production numbers are widely spread and commonly known, can be applied to communicate non-commercial information.

Since 2004 I have been taking courses at the newly founded department of Interface Culture where Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau, in cooperation with the Ars Electronica Futurelab and various invited lecturers, are teaching the use of and critical approach towards new media within a very wide spectrum of possibility.

When realizing projects I find myself drawn towards the ways in which objects, whether of material nature or data, convey their content. This close relationship between message and medium always plays an important role in my work and ideas around the environment in which objects are approached occupy my time.

Dolo Piqueras

Born in 1981 in Spain, studied Fine Arts at the Politecnic University of Valencia. After that wrote her Dissertation about relation between film and interactive installations. Nowadays she is an Assistant Scholar of the "Laboratorio de luz" in Valencia and also an exchange student at Master in Interface Cultures.

Bernhard Pusch

Was born in 1982 in Austria and completed an undergraduate program in art before entering the University of Art and Design Linz.

Miguel Rangil

Miguel Rangil (Spain, 1998) is a transmedia artist who focuses both his research and artistic production on new contemporary strategies to address through art the hybrid condition of the human being and the awareness of the current problems between humanity, technology and nature. His current research focuses on a critical exploration of artificial intelligence and the consequences of its operationalisation in various spheres of human experience. His works have been exhibited in various cultural spaces and institutions since 2019, including Matadero-Madrid (2022) and Etopia Centro de Arte y Tecnología (2022). He founded and manages the permanent collaborative work group Xenoimage Dataset framed in Medialab-Matadero since 2022. He completed M.A in Visual arts & Multimedia (Universitat Politècnica de València) and B.A in Fine Arts (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). He is currently an Erasmus+ student at Interfaces Cultures at Kunstuniversitat Linz, Austria.

Bérénice Roemer

Born (2000) in Marseille, France, Bérénice Roemer is an plastician's artist who's staying in the Kunstuniversität Linz for one semester. She's currently developing her work within the Interface Cultures masters program. She loves to use photography, writing and drawing as a media and is also interested in new technologies. Her work deals and connects queer culture, feminism and ecology.

Mika Satomi

Currently studying PhD program at Interface Culture department, Kunstuniversität Linz Austria.
My background is Graphic design and Animation. I have worked as a motion graphic designer for music videos, as a web designer. During my master study at IAMAS Japan, I have also worked as an internship researcher at ATR research Lab.

Manuela Schrenk

I'm currently finishing my master in computer science at the johannes kepler university. for my bachelor thesis i created a drawing program for mobile phones. besides i'm employed at KEBA as a software engineer and tester of ATMs. my objective for work at the interface cultures is to make the computer user's everyday life more colorful and particularly easier in some way."

Motoi Shimizu

who work with code for iOS / openFrameworks / web-based interactivity. After several years of career as a web front-end engineer, He stayed at Interface Culture Lab in Kunstuniversität Linz (Austria) in 2010 winter semester, and graduated from Dynamic Sensory Programming course at IAMAS (International Academy of Media Arts and Science). He started writing codes since 2010 with his interests: playful interactivity, real world oriented networking.
nuafk.jp motoi@nuafk.jp

Taife Smetschka

Born in turkey, moved in the age of seven to Austria. Lives and works in Linz, freelance digital videoeditingb for several art and culture documentations. Since 2004 Student at University of Art, Interface Cultures. Mainly interessted in video and interactive Installations. Recent projects: blow.

Julian Stadon

Born in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, Julian moved to Perth  in 1990. In 2005 he completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Curtin  University of technology and has recently been finishing a Master of  Electronic Art, also at Curtin University.
Originally focussing on networked sculptural installations, Julian made  the shift to electronic art due to the higher interactive qualities of this genre. His practice now incorporates networked interfaces with online social systems, focussing on the immersive nature of these spaces and the juxtaposition of identity and spacial orientation within them.Professionally, Julian has worked in gallery installation, community development projects in regional Australia, graphic design, film, events management and interior design in the hospitality industry. He has also exhibited throughout Perth, Melbourne and online. As well as visual art Julian is involved in the music industry in bands, as a d.j, technician and writer, has trained for 1 year as a chef and has managed concept bars for 6 years. Currently, Julian is on residency as part of the ANAT (Australian Network for Technology) Mentorship Program 2008, and is also supported by ArtsWA under the Artsflight scheme.

Kazuto Tsuneta

Date of birth: 1 February 1977. Palce of birth: Aomori, Japan.
Master Student of Media representation at the IAMAS,Affiliation of Studio2, under the guidance of Masahiro Miwa.
2009 Exhibition 'Art by education not taught'.
2008 Full operation of the (piano)keyboard music game 'Adventure of ONPOO', And Developer Tools 'Bravo'
2007 IPA will be adopted to create unique software unexplored.
2007 Laboratory space at the 2007 exhibition 'Play with your body art + secrets art’
2004 Learning book of music 'PIANO STORY' release.
2003 'A photo exhibition KIINO and Lung'(Comedy), Director and Cast.
2002 'Dispatch office lady’(Musical + Theater)'.'Pajama party'(Comedy), Writer, Director.
2001 'I want to go to Hawaii'(Theater), Writer, producer, composer
1999 ~ 2004 Bamboo Flute, Japanese drum. I played in 'Yoyogi hachiman'(shibuya in Tokyo) etc
Technical consultant crushing recycling facilities. Advanced system administrator.

Yang Han Syuan

born in 1986 ,Taiwan.After graduating from information management,he study on visual communication at Kun Shan University,both for graphic design and multimedia,He major in design interactive game with different sensors. Now he focus on develop  interactive installations and combine with art and graphic.

Raimund Vogtenhuber

He already worked as Commercial Artist and Art Director for several advertising agencies in Linz. Beside Interface Cultures Raimund also studies Music at the Anton Bruckner University in Linz. He is responsible for several music projects like "Elektrovog", "Böff Bölgstoff Strovanosky".

Nicole Weber

She is an exchange student from Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany.In 2005 she did an internship in San Francisco and worked there for Lynn Hershman. Besides she was a student assistant for Ursula Damm in Weimar (Design of Medial Environmments) Her personal interest focused in the research about connections between real life and virtual reality.

Hermann Zirknitzer

studied computer science at the kepler uni linz. from 1990 on he designed and programmed user interfaces for graphical programming languages. since 2000 he runs his own company for edv services and internet providing.

Tobias Zucali

graduated as bachelor of arts for interior design at Kingston University, London. Currently he works on the project "maschine-mensch", which pervertes the relationship between machine and man. He also published a virtual tour through San Pietro.