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Online Services

Electronic Journals Library
EZB: access to all ejournals (full texts) that we have subscribed to or whose archive accesses we have licensed. 

Artists of the World
The database Artists of the World is the world’s most current, reliable, and extensive reference work on artists. It contains authoritative, up-to-date biographical information on more than 1.2 million artists – more than any other database in the world. It contains biographical information on artists and entries on communities of visual artists from all over the world and from all eras. It covers all genres of fine arts, painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, photography, video, installation art, and much more.

media/rep/ - The Open Access repository for media studies
aims to establish an open access repository for academic publications within the field of film and media studies. media/rep/ will comprise not only text-based documents but will also (in a pilot study) explore the options to include and reference relevant audiovisual resources, such as e.g. video essays, images, research data.

150+ online catalogs raisonné of the visual arts
artvise.me have compiled a list of over 150 digital catalogs raisonné that, with a few exceptions, are freely accessible and free to use. From painting and drawing to sculpture and photography. (German only)

LABS Leonardo Abstracts Service
LABS is a comprehensive database of abstracts of Ph.d, Masters and MFA theses in the emerging intersection between art, science and technology.

Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue - KvK
Meta-online catalogue for search in single or multiple catalogues of large libraries and associations worldwide.

Special sections of the database Online-Contents (SWETS), the tables of contents of over 400 specialist journals are evaluated:
OLC-SSG Arts and Art Sciences
OLC-SSG Media and Communication Sciences


On Thursday, 3 April
the Library opens at 10a.m.

Service hours 
MON to THU: 9.00 to 17.00
FRI: 9.00 to 15.00

Hauptplatz 8/I
4020 Linz
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2255