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Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme BIP

In the current Erasmus+ Generation 2021-2027, there is the mobility format of Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs).

These are short physical learning, teaching and training programs for students (5-30 days) and/or staff, combined with a mandatory virtual phase of an undefined duration.

The physical activity can take place either

  • at the University of Arts Linz (as the applying and organizing institution) or
  • at a BIP partner university

take place.

Further information can be found on the website of the OeAD.



A BIP partnership consists of at least 3 universities with ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) from 3 different program countries.

In addition, other universities or organisations from programme or partner countries can be involved in the organisation and implementation of the BIP.

The physical stay of the participants must be financed by the sending institutions.

Funds to support the organization and implementation (organizational funds) of the BIP are made available to the applying institution


BIP at the University of Arts Linz - role as coordinating and organizing university

  • University of the Arts Linz applies for the BIP
  • receives EU funds for the implementation of the BIP (organizational support)
  • manages & coordinates the EU funds
  • responsible for reporting in the interim report & final report (in cooperation with the International Office).
  • is ideally the host institution, unless otherwise specified
  • organizes physical stay for Erasmus+ incomings on site
  • organizes virtual component


Further explanations

The University of Arts Linz is responsible for the application, planning and implementation of the BIP (also for the virtual component!).

For the BIP, a course must be listed in the course catalog of the University of Arts Linz.

Incoming students must receive a grade for the course immediately after completing the BIP so that a transcript of records can be issued.

For the organization/implementation of the BIP, the University of Arts Linz (as the applying institution) receives so-called Erasmus+ "funds of the organization". The amount depends on the planned number of mobile participants. The coordinating university receives € 400.00 per Erasmus+ participant up to a maximum of € 8,000.00.
Any number of mobile Erasmus+ participants is possible, but EU funds (Organizational Support) are limited to a maximum of 20 mobile Erasmus+ participants.
Students of the University of the Arts Linz as the organizing university can participate in the BIP,  but do not count towards the minimum number of 10 mobile participants.

The physical group mobility (5-30 days) should take place at the University of Arts Linz (as the organizing institution). It can also take place subject-specifically at a partner university participating in the BIP.

As with long-term Erasmus+ stays, the sending universities pay the mobility grants of the participants.

It is recommended to conclude a Letter of Intent with the partners - sample template available from the International Office.

Requirements for applying for a BIP

At least 2 other participating universities from 2 different EU program countries that have an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).

The minimum number of Erasmus+ BIP participants includes

  • Erasmus+ incoming students
  • Erasmus+ incoming staff for training purposes (= STT)

At least 10 participants taking part in the mobile phase; participants from the University of Arts Linz do not count!

BIPs should always be planned with more than 10 participants in order to ensure the minimum number of 10 participants even if individual participants drop out). The virtual phase can take place before, during or after the mobility and is not defined in terms of length.

At least 3 ECTS credits must be awarded.


Participants from program countries receive mobility grants from the respective sending university for the physical mobility phase (5-30 days). The amount depends on the applicable Erasmus+ per diems for the respective host country.

In addition, the organizing university receives "funds from the organization", which can be used for the costs to be borne, such as

  • Costs for development, preparation, design, implementation & follow-up of the course program
  • Costs for the implementation of the virtual component
  • Costs for general administration & coordination of the BIP
  • Course materials
  • Rental of rooms
  • Rental of equipment
  • Excursions
  • Public relations around the BIP
  • translation
  • Preparatory visits
  • Services for participants & contributors (e.g. catering)
  • Fees for teaching activities

Submission of applications

Contact the International Office as soon as the idea of a BIP arises.

The application is made by sending an informal e-mail to international.office@kunstuni-linz.at by 15 December at the latest if you are planning to organize a BIP in the following academic year .


University of the Arts Linz participates in a BIP as a partner - role as sending and participating university

A prerequisite for participation in a BIP as a partner is an Erasmus contract (Inter-Institutional Agreement) with the partner universities. Please contact the International Office immediately if you have any questions.

The sending university (university of arts) supports the physical short-term mobility of outgoing students with Erasmus+ grants.
For details and funding amounts see link

Short-term mobilities (BIP) are generally available to those students and university staff for whom a longer stay abroad is not possible in order to participate in intercultural exchange.

In principle, students must fulfill certainrequirements fulfill.

Planned mobilities can only be funded if the budget is available at the time of application.

The recognition of at least 3 ECTS is a prerequisite.

Teachers who accompany the BIP in the host country can apply via Erasmus Staff Mobility can be funded.

After nominating the participating students to the International Office, the students will be informed about the necessary steps and deadlines. The procedure is similar to that for semester stays (e.g. Erasmus+ Agreement, digital Learning Agreement, recognition).


If a partner institution asks you to participate in a BIP abroad , please contact the International Office immediately, as the mobility grants for outgoing participants must be applied for and paid by the University of Arts Linz in this case.

Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis. Planned mobilities can only be funded if the budget is available at the time of application.

Please send an informal e-mail to international.office@kunstuni-linz.at no later than 6 months before the start of the BIP.

If the application is approved, an information meeting will be offered in which the further procedure, deadlines, responsibilities as well as tips and advice regarding the implementation of the BIP will be discussed.


update, February 20, 2025


Regina Dicketmüller-Pointinger
T: +43 (0) 732 7898 2269

Monday to Thursday

University of Arts Linz
International Office
Hauptplatz 6, 3rd floor
4020 Linz | Austria