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Mariam Gviniashvili

10. Mai 2022, 11.00 Uhr Tangible Music Lab und ONLINE

Das Tangible Music Lab lädt zum Gastvortrag von Mariam Gviniashvili.

Mariam Gviniashvili is an Oslo-based composer originally from Georgia. Her compositional focus is on investigating the role of spatiality in music. Her artistic practise also extends to audiovisual works in which she explores the relationships between 3D sound and moving image. She collaborates with performers and creates music for dance and theatre.

Gviniashvili’s works have been presented internationally at concerts and festivals including the New-York Electroacoustic Music Festival (USA), BEAST FEaST (UK), the Transitions concert series at CCRMA (USA), ICMC (Korea), Cube Fest (USA), Mixtur Festival (Spain), Audio Mostly (Austria), ARD Hoerspieltage (Germany), Ars Electronica (Austria), Klingt Gut (Germany), MA / IN (Italy), and Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival (Norway).

She has been a guest artist at the studios of EMS (Sweden), EMPAC (USA), The Cube, Virginia Tech (USA), IAC (Sweden), ZKM (Germany), ICST (Switzerland) and has received recognitions and awards from Prix Ars Electronica, PRIX CIME and the Norwegian EDVARD prisen.

In this presentation Mariam will give an overview of her work and talk about her compositional practice.



© Mariam Gviniashvili