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Amber Festival 2015

6. bis 15. November 2015 Istanbul, Türkei

Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau sowie Studierende von Interface Cultures zeigen ihre Arbeiten am Amber Festival 2015.

Zu sehen sind:
The Value of Art von Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau

sowie Videos von Studierendenarbeiten der Abteilung Interface Cultures:
Money Never Sleeps von Martin Nadal
“The Art Retriever”
von Rosi Grillmair
Shopping in One Minute
von Varvara Guljajeva & Mar Canet
60 flavors
von Ulrich Lantzberg

Am Sonntag, 8. November 2015 nimmt Interface Cultures am Symposium teil:
Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer, Attention Economy in the Arts: The Value of Art - User Participation Creating Monetary Value – Talk and Demo
Mag. Art. Manuela Naveau, “Distributed Authorship & Crowd Sourcing” – Talk and Demo
Univ. Ass. Mag. Art. Michaela Ortner, “Selected Artworks from the Interface Cultures Department” – Talk and Demo


The exhibtion takes place in the Hotel Adahan, in a former Byzantine cistern

“60 flavors” Ulrich Lantzberg

"Money never sleeps" Martin Nadal

"The Art Retriever" Rosi Grillmair